General idea of affiliate marketing with paid traffic


Apr 2, 2024
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Hi everyone :), I'm a newbie in affiliate and I'm studying and applying the first step.

I want to discuss about the general idea.
The idea is the ask to the affiliate marketer which are the best offers that are running at the moment (there are better methods to choose an offer?). Once I've selected one offer, I search for the best landers on a spy program and try to select some of these.

In this way I test the landing page (with only one traffic source, for example popads/facebook/propellerads etc).

The step/the variables, at this point, to optimize further are "just" cutting the placement, the bid (increase or decrease) and maybe trying further landing page (and traffic sources and languages), am I right in this?
Are there different approaches?
eah! You can make money with paid advertisement but it's not that easy, you need to build solid landing page for that and also your bidding strategy, targeting and optimization matters alot if you are using PPC search ads. Most of the people failed in this things because they don't really have proper strategy and also 90% people in social media are teaching in a wrong way.
eah! You can make money with paid advertisement but it's not that easy, you need to build solid landing page for that and also your bidding strategy, targeting and optimization matters alot if you are using PPC search ads. Most of the people failed in this things because they don't really have proper strategy and also 90% people in social media are teaching in a wrong way.
have you some source/advice how and where to learn properly?
I wouldn't recommend spending a dime on paid ads before you're hitting at least 5k/month with free traffic. And once you start investing in paid ads , you're going to be competing against gurus who spend over figures a month if not more , so it's all going to be about testing and see what works, not about making money, you're goal would be do break even at the start for a few months . I don't currently do paid ads, I do organic through facebook and its honestly the best when it comes to conversion. You get a chance to build a relationship with your audience , and warm up your leads and get them to trust you, as opposed to cold leads through paid traffic , where they don't know you, they don't trust you thus the conversion is gonna be low. Things I learned from my mentor . Hope that helps