Gaming Addictions

Ok since you are looking for some genuine help I suggest why not try using video games as a reward for yourself. You don't have to cut out games entirely from your life. For example say you want to start some youtube advertising stuff involving CPAs. Make a list of what you need to do in the form of steps. Now follow your list step by step and once you have accomplished it stop and enjoy your reward. Do that each day and you can have the best of both worlds. Eventually though each day you'll find yourself spending a longer amount of time making money and less time playing games. Money is usually a more powerful addiction than video games.
everything is addiction. I advice you keep playing the games, dont worry about money, education or something like that, do what you want to do, to the fullest! Forget about everything because other people are involved into their addictions too, like members here want to make money, some people wanna ride fancy cars, some want to see new places.

The problem here is people are bored as hell. They dont know what to do with their life, so they get addicted to different things.NO PERSON EXACTLY KNOWS WHAT HE WANTS IN LIFE.

to bill gates making new software was an addiction, steve jobs suffers with a addiction of making shiny gadgets.

I dont have any addiction BTW. Iam not interested in either making money or playing games, not even worried about anything like education..
Yea, making money has been the greatest addiction I have ever had

I second this

as far as breaking gaming addictions you just have to uninstall the game or let someone barrow your system you do that for 2 weeks and the game that you were so interested in wont be as interesting
hope that this helps

I second this

as far as breaking gaming addictions you just have to uninstall the game or let someone barrow your system you do that for 2 weeks and the game that you were so interested in wont be as interesting
hope that this helps


Well said cyber mage. You don't play a game for a month, You are totally in control of yourself and would never want to play the game. I was a gaming addict once (AOE series). Got over it now and the solution is to stop gaming for a month and maybe focus on hanging out with chicks (that's a bigger addiction during the start, but it's a good experience , of course we all need to experience everything :P). So Just quit the game for a month, don't talk about it, go out and play some physical games!
Ive been having that same problem. what i usually do is work for an hour and then game for 30 minutes it takes longer thisway. but i dont zone out as much
How do i quit?
I'm still a teenager but i'm getting interested in BH and Coding.
I've been addicted to a few games and i keep failing to prioritize.
Can anyone help?

I was there once.. Diablo II, damn that game consumed my life.. Didn't wanna do anything.

Take the first step and break all of the CD's in half, and stare at them in the trash... You will :bawling::bawling::bawling: for a while but its ok. Uninstall is your friend.

This led to me getting 2 more sets of CD's;), but now I can't even play the game for more than 30 minutes without getting bored out of my tree.. guess you just grow out of things.

Then take the next step. Start smoking pot. LOL:)

Joke (maybe) but I know what'll take your addiction to games away...

$$$$$$ + women
(it's still a game.. but one with a point :))
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Thank you for all yoru replies.
Does marijuana actually work?
I have some in my closet but never tried :P
Hehe game addiction is quite serious shit :P. I used to play WoW and Counter strike all day long :) Well i don't feel going back to those at all anymore. bought UT3 and few days went playing it lol.

But 1 guy in our school havent been in there like 6 weeks now since the new WoW expansion came out :D someone told he had 1 month "medal of honor fever" at 9th grade lol :D

If you dont let it go that bad im sure youll be fine.

TBH imo gaming is so addictive since there are easy to do things, you dont have to be superguy to kill mobs and get money and you can become something quite easy , in IRL if you want to become known or something thats way different story.

And there you can find friends with same interests ( the game) and easier to talk than face to face.

Well hope you get rid of it :)
there is nothing wrong with video games not a damn thing ...unless your a junkie like me who lost his wife and kids over it !! but i still say the bitch was going to leave anyway lol lol j/k
I know how u feel...SOCOM was my addiction for a while...i mean i was really addicted to that game as to where i was losing weight, u have to set goals to only play for a certain time..playing video games is just a like being over weight, u have to take it 1 day at a time dude. Trust me i know how u feel
People are creatures of habbit and addiction, Its really about reprogramming your mind and get addicted to something profitable or life altering for the better, you say your just a teenager but in a few years youll just be a 20 something year old that is addicted to gaming. Start reading up on as much as you can and try to implement the tactics on this forum just once! and see how you like your pay check. get addicted to the money, then youll have no problems with the gaming:) You could even take it one step fruther and get addicted to both, find some sort of product on the game that you are addicted to and promote it, you should have no problem coming up with articles and marketing devices geared twoard the product because beleive it or not, you are an insider into something that we might have no idea about. Use youre gaming knowlege that you gained from the addiction to your benefit. Im addicted to plent of things, cigarettes, gambling and BHW, hopefully I can start earning more affiliate checks to pay for the rest of the addictions haha
I've been making money since i was 10. I started husting my friends (hahah i've been a black hatter all my life! j/k).

I'm 19 now.

I've only had 2 jobs in my life, 1 was a restuarant job which i made about 5k, which i invested into some supplies to resell on ebay.

2nd job was at a mall so i can get 50% odd discounts on the clothing, and spend my money on LOL.

The rest was generated through money making.

Think about it. When the times come for YOU to got to college, or even situations where you DO need money, whats going to happen when you DONT have the money?

Well you go out there, and work those retail jobs right and get paid minimum wage? Well how many video game hours you lose there? You just lost a lot.

I always think a few steps ahead.

You should too, even though you want to savor your youth, making money doesnt mean you have to do it michael jackson style, where he lost his youth to pursue a singing money making carry , and now hes an old pedo man who thinks hes 12.

I would just think about it. You make money now, you work less in the future = even more game time.


Play now all you want, get a crap load of $$$$ to pay off, then go gung ho into the work force and have no more DOTA megakillssssssssssss

Or even better

go to college, take out a student loan, and think you are chill and safe until you get out into the work force to find that you will start paying interest and by then you will have no game time - instead.. you have money making time to fill in your debts! haha.

nah man. just balance both if you want both ends of the spectrum.
I'm not sure this link will help cure his video game addiction as much as it will foster it lol ... I'm not even going to click for fear it will take up the next few hours of my time :eek:

Few HOURS, bwahahahhaha!! Stay far far away from that game, it wont be eating hours but WEEKS of your time! (By the way i did beat the 100 levels ;)) I now have a Tower Defense game called Fieldrunners on my iphone. Its pretty much a duplicate of the flash game but with prettier graphics. Talk about feeding the addiction on the run!

I pretty much agree with what everyone else said here. Finding cool ways to BANK money online is much more addicting than a video game. I would say that you enjoy playing games because you like to COMPETE, well get competing in the web game and the rewards are much greater :) Use that competitiveness as your ally! There is nothing more rewarding than searching G00gle and finding your website at #1. Thats winning the game.

I used to be the same way. I was spending about 6-8 hours a day playing Quake 3 online back in 2002. One day I decided that I was spending so much damn time on the computer I should figure out a way to make some money on it. I started looking around and found affiliate programs.

I started with a goal of $100/day. Although my friends and family kinda supported me I could tell they thought it was a pipe dream. I was at my $100/day goal in about 2 months starting as a NEWBIE. After that I started to realize that I was a tiny fry right now and was making $100/day! I could definitely increase this with some work. I worked my ass off for about 2 years and increased my earnings greatly. Then again things were A LOT easier back then.

Once you get a taste of the money, the motivation will really kick in and you'll forget about all those silly video games :) You just need to see that 1st 5 figure paycheck :D
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How do i quit?
I'm still a teenager but i'm getting interested in BH and Coding.
I've been addicted to a few games and i keep failing to prioritize.
Can anyone help?

Me too but who cares . I am a gamer it is my hobby and nothing will stop that . Use your knowledge and passion for gaming as an outlet for creativity . Make some blogs on gaming . My last WoW blog went for 120.00 . So use that for motivation.
Ok I think you can earn from hosting online games yourself. Find crack of games, like Ive seen Ragnarok server once. Then advertise the hell out of it. Then offer items/equipments upgrade on the game, and they can only get this by paying small fees or completing incentive offers.
How do i quit?
I'm still a teenager but i'm getting interested in BH and Coding.
I've been addicted to a few games and i keep failing to prioritize.
Can anyone help?
3 years passed,have you quit gaming:D?