I've been making money since i was 10. I started husting my friends (hahah i've been a black hatter all my life! j/k).
I'm 19 now.
I've only had 2 jobs in my life, 1 was a restuarant job which i made about 5k, which i invested into some supplies to resell on ebay.
2nd job was at a mall so i can get 50% odd discounts on the clothing, and spend my money on LOL.
The rest was generated through money making.
Think about it. When the times come for YOU to got to college, or even situations where you DO need money, whats going to happen when you DONT have the money?
Well you go out there, and work those retail jobs right and get paid minimum wage? Well how many video game hours you lose there? You just lost a lot.
I always think a few steps ahead.
You should too, even though you want to savor your youth, making money doesnt mean you have to do it michael jackson style, where he lost his youth to pursue a singing money making carry , and now hes an old pedo man who thinks hes 12.
I would just think about it. You make money now, you work less in the future = even more game time.
Play now all you want, get a crap load of $$$$ to pay off, then go gung ho into the work force and have no more DOTA megakillssssssssssss
Or even better
go to college, take out a student loan, and think you are chill and safe until you get out into the work force to find that you will start paying interest and by then you will have no game time - instead.. you have money making time to fill in your debts! haha.
nah man. just balance both if you want both ends of the spectrum.