From 0$ to 250$ per day in 180 days


Feb 27, 2015
Reaction score

The plan is to start gettig into IM and fight my way up. I've spent weeks reading and learning about this and I feel like I can give it a shot.

I will give the websites/niches I run codenames, so we can keep track of those.

This is a cold start. I have 0 experience.

This is what I did already

Get Domain
I've chosen to not use any relevant keywords in my URL or any sketchy-0815 name. I want it to look like it belongs to a serious website.

Get Hosting
I got my hosting on namecheap. Also I got a VPS on DigitalOcean, so lets see how this works out or if I need to scale up.

Choose Platform

I'm using Wordpress. I have chosen a theme and installed it. I want to start out with a multiniche site, but not too much, more like 3 to start with.

What I will do

Drive Traffc
Youtube videos. This is the only direct traffic I will get for some time, so it needs to be done correctly and steadily. I'll use Massive Video Blaster to download and reupload videos.
I'll use GSA to generate backlinks to the Videos as well as my websites. But only to tier2-tier3 , Tier1 will be manual building.

Expired Domains. I heard of a method to rank keywords with expired domains. I'll see in to that. It also brings traffic, but I think it won't convert.

SEO. This is the biggest part I'm looking for. I will learn and fail. I have never done SEO, so I will try to be careful. I will do some GSA as I started above, but I'll be careful.

I dont know how to, yet. But I think CPAGRIP.

Lets begin with Project X. This is the codename for my first site.

I really hope to archieve 250$ per day in 180 days. I'll make sure to keep you guys updated every other day at least.
I didn't understand your plan but anyways best of luck for your journey. stick with it you will be succeed.
Ran a Adwords campaign on CPA. Spent 20€, got back 4.5$. Not very good. Optimized it a bit and lets see if now any profit is to be made.
Also running on BingAds now. Will report back in a few days regarding that.

Meanwhile I uploaded 40 YoutuBe vids to my landingpage for CPA, a single very saturated niche. I got it to 301 views and lets see if any of that ranks.

Also I'm starting a multiniche affiliate site. Using a selfscripted script that pulls all data from amazon for a specific browsenode and indexes it. Yes, I mean all data.
I will start doing some SEO work for that affiliate site today.