Freedom Five = Outsourcing Local Services on Fiverr for $5 (HOT!!!)


Elite Member
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I just got an email from Ryan Deiss promoting a product called Freedom Five. I watched the video and without a doubt, you can make money doing this...

The guide is only $5 (no joke) so I'm not going to post the file.

Check out the website, watch the video and if you are not currently making money online or would like to make a little extra, give this a shot.


PS - This is not my site and I do not receive anything from it. It just caught my attention and thought it would be worth sharing.

Hope you enjoy!!

That looks good,
I always outsource some projects in Fiverr...
It is pretty well when you have your own "black book note" :)
The buyer don't accept paypal, it's very hard to complet all those forms :x
Thanks for sharing.
damn that paypal...i dont use my CC online so thats out of the question but would have been nice to get my hands on this...just to check out the black book.
I tried to make a request for this but I'm not allowed yet..

Is there any chance someone could grab it and share please?
I didn't even look at the download yet but thanks cause later I will and I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Fiverr arbitage. Its easy to find beast gigs on Fiverr and most of them produce a grade of work far beyond five. Including the true bhw beasts who slay on Fiverr. Yeah. Cool share!
That is a bummer guys. Maybe everyone can send him an email from the Contact Us page and mention his mistake to not allow PayPal.
Looks good. I hope someone shares it. I cant buy without Gaypal.