FREE-VSTREAMTV Streaming TV Movies Sports With No Cable Satellite Fees

Nov 15, 2011
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With the proposed net nutrality FCC law being voted on and passed today, one wonders how high the cable rates will go as we all know what happens when government gets involved. lol

With new quad-4 processor technology used to stream every channel on cable or satellite, and do it for no monthly fees, I think this is the future of home entertainment. Who likes their cable or satellite companies? No one I know. Got my system a couple weeks ago for a beta trail evaluations, and I am blown away at how much programming their is, thousands of TV shows and movies from A to Z.

Better yet, free PayPerView Movies, MMA and Boxing Sport events, and I am looking forward to Rhonda Rousey MMA fight tomorrow for free, saving $60. and Maywhether fight coming up in May saving $100. Adding up savings for the past year, I will save almost $1600. over cable and all movies and sport events I rent.

Now this is the future as I see it, and industry experts predict the same, so anyone looking for a huge international niche business, this is one you should put on top of your list. I have never seen anything sell so easily with no effort, just send prospects to demonstration site to see for themselves. Launches next month as beta testing stage is over.

Success to all,
Good idea.I also get a feeling that,it can be and will be the future media distribution.
Yup this is it. I'll research more into this and thanks for sharing.
SOunds nice. Media industry need to evolve distribution channels.
Yup this is it. I'll research more into this and thanks for sharing.
It doesn't sound like this paticular company is swimming the right channels, it has scheme written all over it. But, it is a way to make buttloads off the sheeple. Read a review about them and you will see. They give no information on any sort of media liscencing agreements.
If you are not up to speed on the streaming TV revolution, I can understand why one would think it is too good to be true, but it is, and streaming is exploding as the next era in entertainment access. With hundreds of sites around the world you access through our media center, the software and firmware make this access to every TV program and Movie ever made easy to pull up from those apps which connect to streaming video of whatever you are looking to watch.

As to licencing, there is no licencing, all content is commercial free, so your hit TV sitcom, as example, is only a 21 minute show, no interruptions. This is raw content before it goes to network which obviously sells the advertising spots which is where they make their money. All you need is a satellite reciever and you too could stream the same content if you had the hardware, software and firmware to make it all as easy as your remote with cable or satellite.

Everyone is going streaming TV, even HBO just announced it was streaming movies, and look at Google jumping into streaming with their new fiber optic network. With hundreds of billions of TV's in the world, and no one who likes monopolies, never mind likes paying for a bundle when they only want access to one channel, this is an exploding new concept in entertainment and I would have bought media center just to avoid commerical interruptions, never mind all the content I know longer have to pay for with Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Roku, AppleTV and Google Chromcast to name a few who already stream content.

Success to all,