Ok I am back and ready to do business, the way this will work is you must list one auction on ebay for me it is a house auction that goes into the real estate section. You post up the auction to my specs and keep it up and running for 30 days.
In exchange I give you the use of one of my Shoppingads account for 30 days, then after the 30 days I give you full control over the account free and clear, another words rent to own the account, no money down on your part as you will be making more than enough money to pay for the auction daily if your doing the cs methods.
I will even help you make good money because by helping you I make money too so who wants a Account Today?
This is perfect for newbies who want to make really killer money without having to put any of there own money at risk, you will only be risking your ebay sellers account if You do not pay them , but im very very positive your going to make money as I dont want you to fail !