[Free] Jr Vip/Donator for Christmas


May 5, 2010
Reaction score
For Christmas I've decided to give away 2 Jr Vip or Donator subscriptions to blackhatworld.

I have already picked one user myself Phpbuilt and contacted him to send him his winning payment.

Now the second one is up to you!

You can nominate yourself or another person, and write a post as to why you (or they) deserve this subscription. I shall review all the posts throughout the week and pick the one I find to be most deserving. The more detail and effort put into the post the better your chances are to win.

Merry Christmas BHW

Current donators and jr vip can apply and use it towards another year!

1. Phpbuilt
2. Monkehx
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I have 0 chance in this heh.
Not to be greedy but I would like to nominate myself. I'v made some contributions to the forum in the member downloads section(you can check my threads posted if you need to) and most of my posts here are informative.
Not to be greedy but I would like to nominate myself. I'v made some contributions to the forum in the member downloads section(you can check my threads posted if you need to) and most of my posts here are informative.

Not greedy at all, if you want a Jr Vip or Donator subscription writing why is more than good enough - it's the christmas season my friend!
I nominate Zmoney. He's awesome and very active. Can't afford it...Don't worry though, if you don't choose him, I'm buying him jr VIP before Christmas anyways...and all his banner space are belong to meeeeeeeee!
I nominate Zmoney. He's awesome and very active. Can't afford it...Don't worry though, if you don't choose him, I'm buying him jr VIP before Christmas anyways...and all his banner space are belong to meeeeeeeee!

In at the eggnog early Marusia? :P Thanks for the nomination!
i want the second Jr Vip account (such a surprise) . I already have few shares in the download section and i promise to keep helping the community with useful posts. Thanks for Christmas spirit OP
Not greedy at all, if you want a Jr Vip or Donator subscription writing why is more than good enough - it's the christmas season my friend!

Well, thank you. I hope to win it, but if not that's okay. + rep'd and thanks given just for being as generous as you are.
Yeah, I don't mean any rude intentions, but I'd like to nominate myself. (I hardly know anyone here that I have been long-term with other than Jr. Vip's).

I think I've really emerged from the ground when I discovered BHW. The forum is great and I just really feel like I can contribute. I mean, I have to go to school still but I always find my time to read on in BHW and respond if I can. I'm rapidly learning and I think that a Jr. Vip will help my website that I'm trying to run.
No need to pick me, but that will be preferred.

Thanks anyway.
Gave +rep and thanks. :]
Well I just Became a donor but I would like to go Jnr VIP If I can. I dont want to float my own boat but in the last 3 months I have I have helped over 10 different people learn facebook and youtube and how to make money.I have made whatever I know freely available. anyone who messaged me on here. Lol thats why my rep has suddenly been increasing. I have helped them as best as i could while also being involved in my own projects.so yea thats my 2 cents.
no question about that. phpbuilt is too deserving. Congrats buddy. and +rep for you OP for being generous.

As much as i want this.. but i don't know if have enough contributions. :)
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