Found a keyword with CPC=32.28$ and 5400 exact searches per month is it good?


Regular Member
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
Well i know it is good but what do you guys think.

How much can this bring per month and what if i create a website and after 3-4 months flip it , how much can i make ?

The keywords has :

CPC = 32.28$
Domains = Available all
Searches per month - Exact (5400)
Low Competition
You'll only know by trying. Even if (hypothetically) you were getting all 5400 of them a month visiting your site there's no guarantee you'll get even 1 click. It depends on ad placement, site layout etc. Even a couple of clicks a day would be awesome at that rate.
First you need to check the competetors for that keyword, rest everything apart.
If you can break into the competetion then you've found a piece of gold but if you cannot its not even a piece of coal

eg - finance related keywords get less searches, are extremely high paying keywords, but have competetors which you may not be able to beat for years while arcade related keywords get way too many searches, are extremely low paying keywords, but have competetors to whom you might be able to beat within lesser span of time with lesser efforts as compared to of loans keywords
First you need to check the competetors for that keyword, rest everything apart.
If you can break into the competetion then you've found a piece of gold but if you cannot its not even a piece of coal

eg - finance related keywords get less searches, are extremely high paying keywords, but have competetors which you may not be able to beat for years while arcade related keywords get way too many searches, are extremely low paying keywords, but have competetors to whom you might be able to beat within lesser span of time with lesser efforts as compared to of loans keywords

In the #1 a wikipedia page :
inurl + intitle competitors = 4,760 results
all of the top 10 competitors are inner pages not a homepage.
And you have the 5400 searches from the keyword tool, and all domains are not taken?

Sorry, i do not want to sound like a douchebag here, but i cant believe that the .com and .info domain of a keyword with 5400 searches and also a cpc with way more than $1 cpc is not taken.

To me, it looks like a cheap try to promote your service in your signature.

Sorry, but thats my opinion.
Then you should give it a shot. And keep us up to date. Would be nice to watch your journey.
And you have the 5400 searches from the keyword tool, and all domains are not taken?

Sorry, i do not want to sound like a douchebag here, but i cant believe that the .com and .info domain of a keyword with 5400 searches and also a cpc with way more than $1 cpc is not taken.

To me, it looks like a cheap try to promote your service in your signature.

Sorry, but thats my opinion.

It is not a 1$ , i don't want to promote my services as i'm not selling yet them.
I asked if it is valuable if i purchase the 3 domains available (.com/.net/.org)
the keyword cpc is = 32.28$ -
the exact searches are = 5400
Intitle - Inurl = Less than 4500
The number 1 ranking is a wikipedia page.
I wanted to clarify things if it has a good potential for the future to flip the website.

Believe me that there are a lot of keywords with available domains with a CPC more than 1$.
To me, it looks like a cheap try to promote your service in your signature.


I really don't hope that anyone use your services with such a tread!

Nothing personal - I just hate to see fellow bhw waste their money!

I really don't hope that anyone use your services with such a tread!

Nothing personal - I just hate to see fellow bhw waste their money!

I really hate when i try to ask/tell something else and some of you guys here thing that i'm trying to promote something.
I cleared my signature as i'm not selling anything i hope you are satisfied now.
If you find it hard to believe that this kind of keywords is available , i'm really sorry but don't comment on this thread i'm asking for some more professionists who had experiences on flipping this kind of websites with high cpc and good Visitors.
In the #1 a wikipedia page :
inurl + intitle competitors = 4,760 results
all of the top 10 competitors are inner pages not a homepage.

It doesn't matter if all the competetors' pages are innerpages, the more important part is how much backlinks they've got, quality of those backlinks, PR of those pages, etc.

Just make a quick search for the keywords like "privacy policy" or "disclaimer" or "about us" you won't find any sites homepage even in top 50 or top 100 rankings but can you really outrank those competetors easily?
You also need to keep in mind that even though the CPC is high you may not get anything close to that. There may not be a lot of people bidding for non-search ads. You'll probably get some good money clicks but probably nowhere near that amount.

If the competition isn't too tough I would go for it. I'm going after a $45 CPC keyword with around 1300 exact searches.
It doesn't matter if all the competetors' pages are innerpages, the more important part is how much backlinks they've got, quality of those backlinks, PR of those pages, etc.

Just make a quick search for the keywords like "privacy policy" or "disclaimer" or "about us" you won't find any sites homepage even in top 50 or top 100 rankings but can you really outrank those competetors easily?

Well thanks for your reply.
I made a quick research and the first competitor has 350 Backlinks.
Well i'm now buying the domains which are exact domains and when i start to build the sites i'll tell you about my progress.
Well thanks for your reply.
I made a quick research and the first competitor has 350 Backlinks.
Well i'm now buying the domains which are exact domains and when i start to build the sites i'll tell you about my progress.

Glad to know that :)

Tip : use seoquake addon for researching with competitors after you've found your good keyword
what did u use to find this keyword SEnukeX ? AND do you mind posting exact steps to get to a keyword of that much..

I just baught a domain that is fresh and, i think i did the wrong seo steps..
You'll only know by trying. Even if (hypothetically) you were getting all 5400 of them a month visiting your site there's no guarantee you'll get even 1 click. It depends on ad placement, site layout etc. Even a couple of clicks a day would be awesome at that rate.