FOREX Affliate start uP House

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Junior Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Everyone Knows the The Profit Involved in forex trading

And forex affiliate programs

SO what i am offering today is

A FOREX affilaiate website --- how can it help you?
well it can get you 1000s of dollars each month

what you get a forex website with unique content

tricks to getting started

HOW long does it take --- 2-3 days

HOw much do i make a month 4000$ per month
do you have proff of earnings -- yes i can log you into one of my accounts and show you proff so that you completly belive the money involved

how much time is required 2 hours everyday or less but not more

have any more questions ask here or pm if you want proff or any other details

Whats the cost 1500$ for the complete package and i garuntee till you make your first 2000$ between 60 days

review copy only 1 for 750$ (ONLY ONE)

only 15 website to be sold

what you get

website, domain name, how to use google, forums, finding out hot countries, building your site , finding potential clients and locations, getting a seaty income after 3-4 months even if you dont work

Lol that won't work out. If anyone is really seriously about making money in the Forex market please pm me. This is not software or a bot or another system but just live trading with an expert. Trust me you will be flabbergasted......
as i told before i hope u read english well this is not a forex training

its about forex affiliate and i am 500% sure u dnt know so please dont speak useless things
2 people were intrested but the payment condition was not acceptable by me review co[py still there
Sorry, conceptman I never meant to offend you personally. I think though that people want to make money of FX trading directly and not by selling some afffiliate site. That's more an MLM thing. Once again sorry for the misunderstanding

Kind regards
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no problem for it thx for the post :) looking for people who want to learn
have trained 1 guy till now

let me know for the next 1 week you get

1 website + training for 200$ only ;)

so join in
I'm always wondering about forex bods that surface in a blackhat forum and if they make so much money why they need to hang around forex forums? No offense azibi, I'm a forex guy as well and I make money (not so much, but enough to get by....hence being here), but it is one of the most mind numbingly boring things to do in the world.
agree, will you share your success story ?
I'm always wondering about forex bods that surface in a blackhat forum and if they make so much money why they need to hang around forex forums? No offense azibi, I'm a forex guy as well and I make money (not so much, but enough to get by....hence being here), but it is one of the most mind numbingly boring things to do in the world.

I don't want to hijack somebody else's thread, so why don't we start our own?

Will you take conceptman's offer then, I'm considering it myself (if it is still up 4 grabs)?

Best Regards,

Can you post the details of all the deal here? I'm sure you'll save more time and you'll get more responses.

Maybe someone sees your post and is interested... but not so much to pm you, ask for details, blablabla, a pain in the neck

Just sell your stuff properly.
that's B*S*. Why do people think there are millions of sucker slinjng up to buy forex systems? You stil lhave to sell a real product to real people. no amount of hype can hide that fact.
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