Foreign Language Profits


Power Member
Jun 22, 2008
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Im in the mode of testing other languages out for adsense and affiliate profits. Anyone doing good with sites in other languages? Through adsense and affiliate profit mediums? or other mediums.

If so let us know what you are doing well with ??? and soon as i get done with me experiement i will report the results also. Im translating huge amounts of content from on language to the next. and seo'ing the sites for good rankings...

Anyone doing spanish sites and doing well???
im manually translating content with a online translator thousands of pages. Is there a software that will translate entire sites??? and spit it out in a file?? Maybe im asking to much.
Dont think there is but often automatic translators are pritty crap to be honest.... no one will probably visit the site in the end because of the crap translation and meaning that no keywords or keyphrases are correct for your content nor your adsense.

The reason adsense pays higher for english ads is because there are more people bidding against each other for them in the first place.....
Of course they have a higher market share English and more online users that speak english hence more competition. Im also generating foriegn sites from there foreign languages to english. The content is ok but not flawless.

Im assume i could probably make money going foreign to english. But also there is not alot of seo skilled in some foreign countries like latin america so someone with some skills can kill it on traffic and traffic ranking. i will give you one example.

Puerto rico. Is a us commonweath and basically the same mortgage system.
Mortgage leads is a business im involved with. There is a only 2-3 advertisers on mortgage terms in spanish and the entry level is cheap as hell. Commission are the same for latin mortgage brokers and most mortgage brokers in miami speak spanish. So this is open niche. SEO ranking for spanish mortgage terms are a gravy train. I would love to break in other counties that are having huge growth going online as i see it as a gold rush just like what the english language has seen. Just my humble opionion.

I assume the mortgage probably was not a complete good example as in some way its related to the U.S. and english. But i think just like you said you can take a english product translate it. and sell it to foreign language for big bucks. As the entry level is cheaper as there the comptetion is not saturated.... What do you think?

And example would be sattellite tv for pc. I seen 2 years ago we killed it on ebay 10 grand a month or more until ebay started banning the sales of it. It did good here in the U.S. also and still does good. I have a ton of foreigh buyers as they don't get all those channels in the countly so it has a large foreign appeal.

So market this to a country like the caribean and south america translated and you can just translate it word for word from the orginal product or get a custom translation down. Buy clicks for pennies and do well....

Anyone ripping products or coping products and selling it in foreign languages?
Are maybe buying private label rights products and taking it to foreign markets in other languages???
I have sites in other languages.
They are easier to rank in some ways but the Adsense payout is not as good because the advertisers are far less numerous and they don't fight with big $ for market share.

I have seen differences of 400%+ more $ return for the same keywords/themes in English when I compare to the copy site in other languages.

But I still do very well because they are quality sites and not translated by junk translator software.

My 2 cents opinion/experience
I have some Japanese sites that rank quite well and I do much better $wise with affiliate products than Adsense.

I agree with what's been said about translation. For sales page/landing page purposes especially, the machine translations are absolute crap.

Better to get them done properly and not just translated, but edited as well. I.e. If you want sales copy, then make sure that it represents sales copy in the target language and to the target reader.