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Jan 28, 2019
Reaction score
I was getting 50+ followers each day, with followliker, but suddenly one day i got 5 followers, and same is happening today :( I checked the statistics and im still following the same ammount of people(around 900) each day, so i dont think instagram is blocking me following. Could it be they block some from following me? HELP :(( Im getting really depressed i was so happy with rate.
Maybe you should use Fuelgram instead, it gives you likes and comments instead of followers (from authentic accounts of course), but it helps me grow my followers base very quickly
It doesn't really depend on the bot you use: it works based on the settings you decide. Obv there are bots with fewer features and bots with more, still, every bot has the same basic functions such as following based on sources you set. You should check what's going on with your recent post and check the moment where the follow back ratio dropped (ask yourself what did you change)
it happened for me also

performance is getting lower
It doesn't really depend on the bot you use: it works based on the settings you decide. Obv there are bots with fewer features and bots with more, still, every bot has the same basic functions such as following based on sources you set. You should check what's going on with your recent post and check the moment where the follow back ratio dropped (ask yourself what did you change)

I didn't chage the settings. I thought that might be a reason but ive left it on a VPS unattended. So it just came as a chock that i went from 50 a day to 5 a day.