Fmovies are streaming their movies from cloudfalre - teach me how


Jul 8, 2020
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in some way fmovies are streaming their content using cloudfalre and cloudflare cache for month.
i was not able to figure out their trick. (renaming .ts files to .jpg is not enough)
if anyone know how its done and have the long term solutions they are using.

i am willing to pay for this information
Cloudflare has a service called Stream. Its a fullstack solution that does everything from encoding to delivery. They are prolly using that.

Or just cloudflare video cdn.
Cloudflare has a service called Stream. Its a fullstack solution that does everything from encoding to delivery. They are prolly using that.

Or just cloudflare video cdn.
Fmovies is pirated streaming service
to apply to Cloudflare stream requires direct communication with cloudflare team via voice to get their enterprise plan
there is no chance they passed the interview with this site
There may be way to use CF for "non-html" content, Rapidvideo got suspended for that
Kind of unrelated to the thread….

However, when people say “static” sites, they don’t necessarily mean html sites. CF supports for example reactjs and nextjs sites (nextjs support is kind of tricky. It does not support the serverless part. Only supports the static build part, without next start). So, yeah you can also host your react site for free on cf. ;)