Flippa Seller Killing it $93K !! - Do you think Unique or Rebranding Products?


Compromised Account
Apr 10, 2011
Reaction score
This flippa seller is killing it on flippa - do you think she is rebranding products or creating her own unique products? Here is a site she sold for $500 https://flippa.com/2857197-unique-clickbank-ready-video-ebook-package-members-area-upsell-full-setup Replace xx
i think they copying viral success blogging system and mca back office... yep thats exactly what they doing
Wow interesting. You think she is rewriting the product as well or just renaming it? What is this viral success blogging system - the exact name doesn't come up on google? Who is the author of that?
Old account, 100% feedback and 90k worth of transactions! You cant replace this with a brand new account. These things play a big role.
Who mentioned anything about having a brand new account? LOL.
This flippa seller is killing it on flippa - do you think she is rebranding products or creating her own unique products? Here is a site she sold for $500 hxxps://flippa.com/2857197-unique-clickbank-ready-video-ebook-package-members-area-upsell-full-setup Replace xx
obviously a sale pith , look at the comment , lol :
WOW! You normally don't find stuff on Flippa this TOP NOTCH at this price. I can see you do good work. I'm surprised you wouldn't keep this one to yourself! Count me in on the bidding :D
She is selling a small startup business. Buyers would hopefully realize that they need to do a lot of work from this point to drive traffic if they're going to make any profit, but it's a starting point.
well alot of people are buying this, and i dont see any huge future income buying it, its better to buy something made from scratch with unique content
I will never understand why someone would sell those types of websites or better yet who would BUY THEM. lol
Yes who would buy them is one question, but who would visit them is what we should be asking lol
Flippa filled with sites like these. Rarely do I see a real gem.
I saw this seller a couple of years ago, doing the same thing. Essentially, she is selling "rebranded PLR" as "clickbank-ready" rubbish. The main problem is, PLR products are poor quality and the new owner will get hit with refund requests from clickbank.
At the time i first looked, the sites were like http://internetmarketingturbokiller.com, for a product and website branded with internetmarketingkiller. I asked if the product was unique(says graphics are unique, doesnt mention the product actually is), I got a caustic response such as "are you kidding me, of cause its not unqiue, a unique product would cost low 4 figures". Any comments like this get deleted from her auctions. Which is weird, as when they are deleted they look like they didnt appear at all, whereas when other auctions have deleted comments, they show as deleted, so obviously very friendly with the flippa owners.
I never worked out her exact method, as even an account with top feedback, and big sales wouldnt achieve this result, I would assume she has a marketing list from a blog or something. If anyone knows the missing piece of the puzzle pm me.
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Too many of these on Flippa ^_^ temptations to see if the lies are true but then I remember that's my hard earned money if I wanted to gamble I rather go to the casino I've got better odds there LOL =)
Even though there are many people doing this there is still some good money in it.
Where do we find PLR content like hers to resell on Flippa?
Selling websites on Flippa is very easy. I see the hotel niche themes have been sold for like hundreds of times. And they just keep changing their domain names and list for sale again. That is crazy.

As I have noticed, Flippa buyers love Adsense blogs which makes money, don't need to make a lot, 10$ is good to go. Then the blogs have a potential to be sold anywhere around $50 - $500 or if you are lucky, more than that.
My reaction to this was - NO FREAKING WAY!
I can do this, and do it better. I'm not familiar enough with Flippa, but if I was I might try this with my own unique twist. Just, Crazy!