Flash Player Prank, need coding


Regular Member
Mar 7, 2008
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Alright, if anyone here knows a little bit of flash and has some time on their hands, I got a good prank that needs little to be made. I just want to see the friends reaction when I hand them their computer (laptop) and they see this as the fullsccreen http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/3028/crackedscreen1920x12802mj.jpg Then ask them 'wtf, what happened?' :yield:

Basically what the flash file needs to do is
  • Become full screen with the image as the background
  • Hide the mouse cursor
  • Stop any keyboard moments from affecting the full screened app, but have 'esc' key exit the swf
  • If you could, make the flash put out a consecutive beep

Result of this http://break.com/index/cracked-lcd-screen-prank.html?matchid=
It could be pulled off on a desktop easily, but on a laptop you can't disconnect the keyboard and mouse, so it's a bit harder to pull off and all the friends only have laptops.
fscommand ("fullscreen, true");

but a BIG "Press Esc key to remove fullscreen" button will appear in the middle.
all flash file will, and noone can work around it unless it is compiled as an Executable file inwhich if you run it under XP or Vista it'll give out a small window prompt if you want to run the file.

in other words it would be hard to pull off this "prank" without them knowing it's just a flash file. just use an ordinary JPEG file and use it as wallpaper. then you can just screw their mouse config (right left click button) double click etc
fscommand ("fullscreen, true");

but a BIG "Press Esc key to remove fullscreen" button will appear in the middle.
all flash file will, and noone can work around it unless it is compiled as an Executable file inwhich if you run it under XP or Vista it'll give out a small window prompt if you want to run the file.

in other words it would be hard to pull off this "prank" without them knowing it's just a flash file. just use an ordinary JPEG file and use it as wallpaper. then you can just screw their mouse config (right left click button) double click etc

All the video players I've seen able to do bigscreen, have that message, then it fades out after a couple seconds. So after those seconds you could then hand them the laptop :) (Just tried it on youtube and the message fades out)

I know they'll be able to do ctrl-alt-delete, if they are smart enough, but some people still may think their screen is fucked up even tho it works and I just wanna see their first reaction and how pissed they get. These aren't the most computer literate friends either, also willing to pull it off on parents to see their reaction.
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