FL just unfollowed my friends and business contacts


Registered Member
Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
Is that normal?

From the language in the tutorial I was under the impression that FL only unfollows accounts it has followed. Is that what a whitelist is for lol? Do I have to make a habit of whitelisting the people I actually want to follow?

Yep, that's what the whitelist is for. Follow Liker should have a more in-depth tutorial about your current following (accounts that you follow).

1. Before starting to follow/unfollow, do a task to search for all your current following. It only takes a few minutes.
2. Save that list into your whitelist, and also save it in your computer, because sh*t happens.
3. Start doing anything you want, your followers in the whitelist will not be unfollowed, unless there's a glitch with the program.
Yeah better to add those users in Whitelist so that yo wont unfollow them again.
It be nice that the next Follow Liker update had a button to "Search for Followings and Add to Whitelist".
Or better yet, a database for "Original Followings". That way, if we wanted to start from scratch, the account could go back to only having the original accounts that it was following.

I'm sure many of us had to go through the headache of finding out we unfollowed accounts by mistake.