Fiverr Reselling Journey to $1000 per month


Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
After months of being overloaded with garbage of information, I decided to kick it out and take action.

I get inspired by 2 threads by Leith and Kambhai whose both talking about Fiverr reselling, and they have literally made decent amount of money within short period of time.

What I have now:
-1 Website already loaded with numbers of resell service, ready to promote
-2Checkout account

What I will buy:
-1 VPS loaded with UltimateDemon (cost $15 per month)
-Facebook Ads coupons from Fiverr seller

My goal is to make consistent $1000 from this typical reselling website. I will try to keep this thread updated.

P.S.: English is my third language so if you find something strange on my words please kindly excuse me.
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Good luck to u...pls keep us updated regularly,thnks:)
sure keep us updated i will like to start something like this but i was afraid it wont work as no one has been said to have done it but hope i works for you mate
Goodluck! It will be a great move and will motivate most of us. Keep us updated.
Did 2checkout put you on the 7.5% high risk rate since I assume you are selling SEO services?