FIVERR is going down DAY by DAY by DAY by DAY


Jul 23, 2011
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Hello bhw users. Again I am making a thread speaking about ! I guess I am not the only one that has problems with fiverr. My first problem with fiverr are the money that I can't withdraw. In this moment I have 109$ in available to withdraw and 208 awaiting clearence. But...this is very wrong. I made a calculation of all my orders cleared and ALL have a value of 190$ ! So...normally I must be able to withdraw 190$. Now....If I withdraw my 109$ that I alwready have in AVAILABLE TO WITHDRAW all the cleared orders will be marked as WITHDRAWN.
After the withdraw, If I send a message to fiverr regarding this problem they say that the Transaction to my PP account is made correctly. But I only receive 109$ instead of 190$ . (It happend to me before with 88$).

The second issue would be the support team. After I send a message to them I receive a response pretty fast . But the answer from the support is : Your account is balanced so , from what we see ...everything is ok !
I send them a message again and tell them about the cleared orders (for example). Again, they say that everything is ok . After sending 4-5 messages to them they decided to request me the number of the orders that have been cleared but the money from them wasn't showing in the AVAILABLE TO WITHDRAW. My BIG question is : How the hell should I know all the numbers of the orders that were cleared if all orders are marked as WITHDRAWN ???
Hello bhw users. Again I am making a thread speaking about ! I guess I am not the only one that has problems with fiverr. My first problem with fiverr are the money that I can't withdraw. In this moment I have 109$ in available to withdraw and 208 awaiting clearence. But...this is very wrong. I made a calculation of all my orders cleared and ALL have a value of 190$ ! So...normally I must be able to withdraw 190$. Now....If I withdraw my 109$ that I alwready have in AVAILABLE TO WITHDRAW all the cleared orders will be marked as WITHDRAWN.
After the withdraw, If I send a message to fiverr regarding this problem they say that the Transaction to my PP account is made correctly. But I only receive 109$ instead of 190$ . (It happend to me before with 88$).

The second issue would be the support team. After I send a message to them I receive a response pretty fast . But the answer from the support is : Your account is balanced so , from what we see ...everything is ok !
I send them a message again and tell them about the cleared orders (for example). Again, they say that everything is ok . After sending 4-5 messages to them they decided to request me the number of the orders that have been cleared but the money from them wasn't showing in the AVAILABLE TO WITHDRAW. My BIG question is : How the hell should I know all the numbers of the orders that were cleared if all orders are marked as WITHDRAWN ???

I have never understood why in this economy ANYONE thinks that they will get something of real value for five bucks.

Except a gallon and a half of gas.
I have never understood why in this economy ANYONE thinks that they will get something of real value for five bucks.

Except a gallon and a half of gas.
But that is a different story, what the OP is talking about is something separate
It's a good concept but they work with little staff, so it's bound to happen.
You are right, you are not the only one with problems with Fiverr. However, the majority of people don't, which is why you see sellers making a killing with it for months and why sellers keep coming back. If everyone was in the same situation as you it just wouldn't be as popular as it is. Personally, I don't understand at all what you are on about. I've never had a problem with Fiverr giving me the correct amount of money.
I did not have any problem with Fiverr yet buy I think their was a maintenance going on in Fiverr sometimes ago and i think that will be a reason but not sure.
I will say from experience that running a gig site is not easy in any shape or form and all of the back end crap that goes into it is a huge pain in the ass. Having said that Fiverr is more than profitable enough to be able to afford to fix issues as primitive as these and for their sake I hope they do soon.
Fiverr is very good resource, your both issue is fine, I will suggest you if you have more problem with fiverr change the way and start with any freelance site that's good and here arbitration and support are very good and fast as compare to fiverr.
Fiverr seems to really becoming not reliable. People can never get
there money. I am not sure why there staff is so unhelpful. Anyway
maybe it will improve. I will not be starting a gig anytime soon.
stay away from fiverr, it's easy to create website and optimize it to get some clients ;-)

*just my 0.002
Fiver marketplace is now almost post in link building service now ;(
Hit and miss I find now with their customer service although money wise I have had no issues withdrawing. If you ever get your funds held give me a pm and I will tell you how you can withdraw.
Maybe you could give them a call ? Talking live is always better then sending emails.
