Fiverr banned my account!Please be careful!!


Aug 29, 2010
Reaction score
You have already seen the insane number of fiverr clone sites booming around!Also there are a lot of these clone makers who are going to fiverr ordering gigs and after that taking the users to their site and having them place their gigs in their respective clones...Fiverr will not tolerate any sort of communication with these people...i recently made an apllication for such a user...without realising much!Even though i never even signed up for the clone site fiverr banned me!!:eek:
So please be might get banned without any fault of yourself and even lose all that you have earned!!Avoid any sort of communication with these people ..and try to identify the customers you are dealing with!

Also as fiverr banned me can you suggest an alternative freelancer site as good as that i could post my gigs there ....thanks!!:rolleyes:
For people thinking how their fiverr account got banned wikthout knowing how before any illegal selling,adult posting,or fake services...this is surely the reason!!!
fiverr is one of the best sites for cheap gigs, i heard of another one but since you seem like your ordering gigs just to get traffic to another fiverr clone, i will not say the name of it. it doesn't have as much random traffic as fiverr but it works well.Also, you want want to start reading the TOS on these sites before doing something like this
Cyrus mind pming me the name of the other one I'd be interested.
im thinking of putting up gigs on a few fiverr like sites what is the charge?
You have already seen the insane number of fiverr clone sites booming around!Also there are a lot of these clone makers who are going to fiverr ordering gigs and after that taking the users to their site and having them place their gigs in their respective clones...Fiverr will not tolerate any sort of communication with these people...i recently made an apllication for such a user...without realising much!Even though i never even signed up for the clone site fiverr banned me!!:eek:
So please be might get banned without any fault of yourself and even lose all that you have earned!!Avoid any sort of communication with these people ..and try to identify the customers you are dealing with!

Also as fiverr banned me can you suggest an alternative freelancer site as good as that i could post my gigs there ....thanks!!:rolleyes:

You could do a serch in google for "Nixerr" These guys at least give their members the chance to earn more than the $4 from Fiverr. Worth checking out and placing your stuff on there.
microworkers => real cheap
fiverr => cheap
freelancer => regular price
nothing compare to fiverr huge traffic

other clones just a waste
what do you expect, them to sit back and take all thier members away from them?

unfortunately there will be some collateral damage.

Putting out this warning is a start, letting them know you will be getting your experience good or bad out there, and then do so. May be another avenue.
I was being banned on 16 march 2011. After asking the reason they replied with a copy paste message in which it is written that you have violated the TOS and the funds will be cleared after 45-90 days. Now its been 5 months that is 150 days, and just when i tried to ask them about the money. They don't even bother to reply.
Complete scamming site.