Five white-hat newbie tips to writing a decent 100 word article for your own blog.


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2014
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Five newbie tips to writing a decent 100 word article for your own blog.

(1) Write it well. This might seem like a silly beginning to this post, but many people imagine that a poorly-spun article is good enough for their own site because they want it for search engine optimization (SEO).

You should compose articles well for your visitors. Spun articles for tiered contextual links have a different quality standard than articles you write for your own site. Remember, SEO is to rank better so you can attract people to your site. More visitors means more income. Better articles mean those visitors stay longer. Longer stays mean lower bounce rates. Lower bounce rates factor into comprehensive SEO.

(2) Include several unlinked anchor text phrases. If you visit Google?s Webmaster Tools, you can see what search phrases people are using to find your site. Consider targeting several of those to your article if you can fit them in nicely. You will add more articles, so don't rush it. Each anchor text phrase should appear only once.

(3) Consider defensive writing. As you know, your competitors will scrape the web and may steal your article. You cannot do much about that, unless you want to waste time trying to find stolen text. Instead, make a hard link in your article that will get scraped up when your article is stolen. Use jargon which is unique to your site or product. Think a little about how you might word your article so it would be difficult for others to steal and use.

(4) Consider convenience writing. You will probably want to spin your own articles someday. Keep your paragraphs tight, with strong messages that don?t bleed into the next paragraph. This way, you can break up your articles later into paragraph units (mix and match them into new projects). You should also go out of your way to use some words that have many synonyms. This way, if you do spin your articles later, they will break apart into nice spintext with high originality scores that will still read well.

(5) Lastly, be sure you don?t go overboard on your keywords. It?s easy to do, especially when you are working to promote your site or build Brand Name recognition.

Plenty is written about this in the forum, but basically you want to remember this formula. For every 100 words that appear on your site, your keywords and anchor text phrases should appear only once. A keyword density of about 1.5% is suggested (and people will argue about the numbers). I tend to shoot for 1.2%. Don?t forget that your keywords which already appear in menus, navigation text, or elsewhere in your site count as well. So, if a keyword appears 4 times before you even write your article, you should probably write 400 extra words to offset that.

(6) BONUS TIP! Make your articles unique and interesting for your visitors. Check your logs and see where visitors are going in your website. Look at other blogs and read what people say. Use this information to discover what topics are trending, what interests your visitors most, and how to appeal to their natural curiosity. Be sure to include article leaders to get them to come back, e.g., tell them the next article will knock their socks off.

(Writing articles is fun. I had a blast writing this one, and you will enjoy better results when you write your own.)
Good newbie information but you shouldn't be pushing people to do a 100 word article. They should be shooting for 500-1000 words, those are the articles that Google loves.
Good tips but your articles should be atleast 250+ words, otherwise the content is very limited
Can't argue! Longer articles are better. This post was about writing short articles. I have more advanced ideas for longer articles. In longer articles, for example, it's possible to benefit multiple websites, loop juice, and even sabotage your competitors while still providing great content for your readers. I'm sure most of us know those tricks, and we keep them close to the vest. I'll post some tips on longer articles though, but not just yet. I'll post those at some later date.
Blog is the guidance for the viewers that should explain the detailed info about the niche of the blog. The lengthy articles always sounds good as content is the king here. But it's a good thought to share your ideas here.
Good share in general for writing an article, may not be exactly for a short article for SEO.
i never ever try to write article, but i have good communication skills in English, now i will try to write article with you helpful tips