First account banned - Using Instagress


Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Hi, my first account was disabled permanently this morning (I'm not sure why, but it said I violated the ToS). I'm guessing I came across too spammy. This time around, I'm going to carry on in my last niche but using instagress (FL is out of my price range at the moment). I may start two accounts, one in a different niche.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for using instagress from day 1 (0 posts|28 followers (it's a 2 or so month old account)|7 following). Things like how not to get banned and how to not come across as spammy, and what rates I should be generating traffic at.

Same here. My account get disabled yesterday using instagres. I will stop using Instagram now :>

- Roxxer
"0 posts|28 followers"
There you said it.

Are you using Bot without posting anything right?
"0 posts|28 followers"
There you said it.

Are you using Bot without posting anything right?

I had the followers from the old account, I deleted the pictures and changed the name but retained the followers.
it seems like a lot of people lost their accounts last ️night for spamming/botting.

I wanted to to start using instagress to get back to my old account level, I just wanted tips to avoid getting banned in the future.

does anyone know if you can use proxies with instagress?
Hi, my first account was disabled permanently this morning (I'm not sure why, but it said I violated the ToS). I'm guessing I came across too spammy. This time around, I'm going to carry on in my last niche but using instagress (FL is out of my price range at the moment). I may start two accounts, one in a different niche.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for using instagress from day 1 (0 posts|28 followers (it's a 2 or so month old account)|7 following). Things like how not to get banned and how to not come across as spammy, and what rates I should be generating traffic at.


First you should not start using bots with no content on your profile.. If your account is new post 5 - 10 posts before you start running the bot . and when you begin using instagress set it to normal speed not FAST .. you can do that later when your account has aged.. although instagress is a fairly safe bot to use .. start out at normal speed....
Instagress is actually really safe, I started using it from the first day at max settings, go for it if it's a new account, there's nothing to lose :)
I saw in another thread about so many accounts have got banned yesterday. I think it's a mass banned on new accounts with less manual and lot bot activities. If you have new account, at least do some manual action in your account. I have got accounts running on FL but I do manual activities as well like uploading 2-3 pictures a day, like photos whoever likes mine, follow user manually who follow, if they are on same niche. I go on my homepage and go back to an hour behind activities and like most photos. All you need to do is look natural (human) not bot.
Are you using proxys? Are you changing your device id to modify your accounts? If you dont do that you will get banned with every single account u create..
Hi, my first account was disabled permanently this morning (I'm not sure why, but it said I violated the ToS). I'm guessing I came across too spammy. This time around, I'm going to carry on in my last niche but using instagress (FL is out of my price range at the moment). I may start two accounts, one in a different niche.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for using instagress from day 1 (0 posts|28 followers (it's a 2 or so month old account)|7 following). Things like how not to get banned and how to not come across as spammy, and what rates I should be generating traffic at.


See I told you guys that site has a bad rep on WOT.... pfffffffffffffffffff
First you should not start using bots with no content on your profile.. If your account is new post 5 - 10 posts before you start running the bot . and when you begin using instagress set it to normal speed not FAST .. you can do that later when your account has aged.. although instagress is a fairly safe bot to use .. start out at normal speed....

What sort of settings would you reccomend. I'm going to be tagging my main account with other throwaway accounts. I'm also not sure wheter to autocomment or follow with my main account.
I have 2 accounts, different niches, Im running instagress on both, no ban :))
Yeah, I was banned too a few months back for promoting an adult niche. I've been having better success with whitehat niches in terms of keeping my accounts alive.