Finished my Digg Bot!


Registered Member
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
This post is 100% brag.

I have been working on digg bots on and off for the past few weeks. And today it finally works.

I don't really have any friends that do IM type stuff, so I didn't have anyone to share this joy with.

But it works!

AND I have almost finished my auto stumble bot.

Brag over.
I don't think I will hit the THANKS button unless you share the diggbot here :D
Are you just bragging or do you have plans on selling it, giving it away?????????

Dont let me stick the tip without getting it all the way in....dont tease lol
Immediately, I am just bragging.

I have been making an army of voting bots (well, I have 4 right now with 2 more in the works).

I am going to upvote the hell out of all my sites and pages. Then I may sell access to them. The source code will likely never be released.
That's cool.. but you should just use it for SEO purpose.. if you try to hit the front page you'll be most likely be buried
CONGRATS!!!!! On your new bot.......Geesh someone had to say it..The poor guy is begging for some recognition and everyone just puts they hands out lol.
Please Inform me, I been wait for long
Sent a polite PM to the person for review copy got a very unpolite reply back, certainly not worth wasting any time on this.