Fileice BAN Me Without Reason! Stay Away From Fileice!


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Last year after 1 month working on fileice i was requesting a payment from fileice and they banned me with reason: offer fraud. After contacting administrators they said that ban is mistake and they gave me back my account. After that ban i was continue working for fileice but i joined on other ppd networks too. So fileice was been my alternative network. Last 2 months i didn't uploaded new things on fileice so i didn't made any changes. Last month i got my last payout and everything was fine like usualy.
And what happen on May 1st? I tryed to log in on fileice and i got the same message from last year: Banned offer fraud. I contacted administrators and they said that this time it's not mistake. I got this replay from admin: "You were getting 100% conversion rates OR OVER for several countries when you were banned, and the download patterns look nothing like regular traffic."
It seams that their system doesn't like my download patterns LOL
I just wanted to let know all people who are working PPD to get away from fileice because their system sucks. And their offers are extremly small. On other network i was earning about 800$ per month and on fileice as alternative network links i got only 40-90$ montly Now they can keep my 40$ bucks that i had left on that account
Once again people do not work for fileice, their network is diying
This post has been deleted so i am writing again i want all people to see the true!