feel like I am being shafted.


Banned - Inappropriate behavior
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score

look this isn't a whine but I do feel like I am being shafted by some aff programs.

1) I promote this product and got a 1-2% buy rate. Great. High ticket. Then I send them over 1,000 subs and get them over 400 leads in 2 months...not one sale. Abruptly stops. I get an email form a long time customer of mine tellnig me he has taken the plunge on the product. But I never saw the commission for this. I email the said affiiaite and ask about this. One wek later I am given the sale but no explantion. So I keep asking why my sales have suddenyl stopped and why was I not given the above sale...no reply. THEN they write back and tell me to stop promiting the program if I do not trust them. Cheeeky!!!! I have about 500 leads that I have given them that have not bought. Not to mention the doamins, videos, articles, SEO I have put into place and they tell me to "stop prmoting" if I do not trust them.

2) another one has a bigger tiket backend item. I keep asking if I get any % sale on the bacckend product. They rpely...why the heck should you? Well if I am only gettign 40% on the first product and nil on rhe backend it's me that is getting shafted sending them customers. I think they could do a lot better by giving us 25%+ on backend sales..

Another thing is they take phone orders. So I aks them how do I get the commision on a sale order.......no rely. In other words "you don't" This is ahigh ticket item and my guess is many will phone the order through.

I have slaes apperaing then disappearing. They tell me X number refunded....but wil lnot give me the names of the ones that have. So many ways to shave bits off here and there.

It seems they have all the power and can shaft me in many different ways...if I make stand they simply tell me to "stop promoting us.."

Why can't they be honest and make this a win/win instead of trying to shave money from me? This is no way to run a business. Any thouhts?
Yea, by the sounds of it you should spend your efforts on a different Aff program and tell those guys to go f*** themselves...you could make more
yeah i think i will actually. It's clearly not working out. Shame it took me a long time to find products I liked. Not to mention all the effort in setting up the sites, traffic.

Are many affiliate owners like this? Seems to easy for them to shave commissions.
If you make more money promoting them compared to another affiliate program, stick with them. It is about how much YOU can make with them compared to using someone else. That is all that matters. If someone else makes you more then move on.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

So take whatever "shaft" they have out of whatever it's in, and start pushing traffic to a good network.
what network is this so we can avoid them?
^^ Ya do tell us so we won't make the same mistake.

I would move on now and not waste your energy with them any longer. Time is money my friend!!
Yes, sounds incredibly dodgey especially when you follow-up a definate confirmed sale and it *magically* appears (e.g. Oh oh, we got busted, better put the sale in).

Move on
This is why I quite promoting for affiliates. Too many variables out of my control. I will only sell me own products now.