Feature Offered by Traffic Brokers


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2007
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My question is rather tricky, as I'm searching for a specific feature that may or may not exist.

Ok, it may seem as a noob question, but wth!

Does any of you know if there is any traffic broker that has an optional feature that sends traffic to double addresses/links... ie. you specify a url, then another one link in THAT particular first page you want to send traffic to?

Meaning, traffic goes through two links...

Anything like that available?
I really doubt that if you are recieving real visitors. What you might be able to do is create a script to make the visitor click the link automatically.
I really doubt that if you are recieving real visitors. What you might be able to do is create a script to make the visitor click the link automatically.

Thanks Andre09! That is actually a good idea ;)