[FB Journey] First journey, 3 FB Pages from 0 to 50K fans in 6 months


Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

First of all, I must say that I got very inspired by kevinv89 and his journey. I encourage you to take a look at his post if it's not already done.

About me :

I discovered BHW and the IM 4 days ago. Since then, I've spent countless hours on these forums and have been shocked by all the methods and the results you guys are showing. It was a great source of inspiration. Being intrigued by all of this, I've finally chosen a method with no investment to start my IM journey : creating and growing Facebook Fan Pages.

I am a 23 years old french guy who got 6 months of free time to spend in the US. Since I like to experience new things, I'd like to give a fair shot to IM while I'm here, and if it works, continue in this way.

My strengths :

I'd like to think that I am a very self-conscious guy. I don't expect much but I have ton of motivation and when I've settled a goal for a certain period of time, I stick to it until this period is over, whatever the results are.

My weaknesses :

Despite being very interested, I am a total newbie when it comes to IM. For example, I've understood the basics of FB FanPages thanks to kevin's post but I still have no plans on how monetizing them if I manage to get a solid liking base.

Goals of this journey :

There are no money goals. My goals are all a certain number of likes at a certain time on 3 different Facebook pages.

1st week : 100 likes.
2nd week : 300 likes.
1st month : 1,000 likes.
2nd month : 3,000 likes.
3rd month : 6,000 likes.
4th month : 12,000 likes.
5th month : 24,000 likes.
6th month : 50,000 likes.

What I'm seeking by creating this thread :

First of all, I want to share my experience, hoping that it might help others.
I also want to keep this thread updated to get some reactions and comments. This is all new to me and I don't have people to chat with about IM. Keeping the motivation high is core in this kind of journey.
Finally, getting some helps when it'll come to monetizing.

The niches :

1st page : League of Legends
2nd page : Animes
3rd page : Sexy girls

I've selected 3 different themes and 3 I'm at ease with. I wanna be able to post accurate content about these topics, that's why I picked things I'm familiar with.

Technique :

I am using the same technique as kevinv89. I basicly go to big related pages, post accurate comments and like other users posts.

Current situation :

I will update this thread every day, as much as possible. I created the 3 pages yesterday night, so it has been roughly 24 hours.

LoL Page : 42 likes (+42).
Animes Page : 9 likes (+9).
Sexy page : 25 likes (+25).

That's about it! I hope you'll have as much fun following this journey as I do. I already thank you for your future comments and help on this!

Glad you like my thread! I can tell you now you will grow the girls page the fastest!
Try to spread your pages between several accounts. Trust me it hurts when you lose maybe 1M fans cause all your pages got deleted at once.

Et bonne chance !
Hey guys.

So day 2.

First of all, sorry about not having linked kevin's thread on my first post. My account is new so I can't link anything yet.

Try to spread your pages between several accounts. Trust me it hurts when you lose maybe 1M fans cause all your pages got deleted at once.

Et bonne chance !

I'm interested by this message. Anything I need to know that could cause my pages to be deleted ?

Anyways, here are today stats, a bit disapointing even if I spent like 2 to 3 hours on each page :

LoL Page : 59 likes (+17).
Animes Page : 17 likes (+8).
Sexy Page : 54 likes (+29).

I'm a bit worried about the Animes Page. In order to follow my objectives, I should be around 30 likes at this point. I don't wanna have to drop this one and remake a third one but I guess I'll have to do it if I don't have at least 100 likes on it by the end of the week.
good luck but it's very difficult... Im trying also, but sometimes I even don't get one like...
Day 3 :

No big changes. I focused a bit more on the dying Animes Pages because I really want to make it work.

I've liked less but commented a bit more.

LoL Page : 94 likes (+35).
Animes Page : 32 likes (+15).
Sexy Page : 78 likes (+24).

According to my objectives, the pages should be at 45 likes by now with an increase of 15 likes a day. The Animes Page is the only one I have trouble with at the moment.
Day 4 :

Still no changes. I use the same method and the likes don't go up.

LoL Page : 137 likes (+43).
Animes Page : 41 likes (+9).
Sexy Page : 107 likes (+29).

First week objective is OK both for the LoL and the Sexy Page. I'm still worried about the Animes one, even if it's getting more activity.
Day 5 :

Big big changes in the overall plan. I've spent a looooooot of time thinking about strategy and what I've learned from the past few days. First of all, I decided to close the Animes Page. It barely got more likes today and the niche isn't as good as I thought.

I've also decided to close the Sexy Page. I had great result with it, but the topic didn't interest me that much and the concept I had for this one took me a hella lot of time to keep it updated.

So I've decided to change my strategies. It seems that I am better at providing community pages concerning gaming communities, probably because that's where I have the most experience. After closing the Animes and Sexy page, I decided to open 4 more, every one of them taking the same concept as my LoL page but based on another big game.

This kind of fanpage doesn't require much time to stay updated and I feel like I know better how to promote it.

I've just launched Pages 2 to 5, I'll keep you updated on the results.

1st Page : 155 likes (+18).
2nd Page : 5 likes (+5).
3rd Page : 3 likes (+3).
4th Page : 0 likes (+0).
5th Page : 0 likes (+0).

The loss of my big Sexy Page is kinda hard to accept, but I guess this strategy is for the best in term of planning management.

I've started thinking about monetization and I'd like to create high quality blog for each page/game and paying experienced gamers to write article on it. I'm still trying to figure out when to start the monetization.
Day 6 :

Fast summary. Destroyed Page 4 and 5 that didn't get any likes and weren't that good in the first place. Created a new fourth page. Plan to go for 5th and 6th tomorrow if I had time.

Page 1 got a lot of likes today.

1st page : 239 likes (+84).
2nd page : 12 likes (+7).
3rd page : 14 likes (+11).
4th page : 12 likes (+12).
I had a great reply written and then I clicked the wrong button on my mobile and it was gone!!!

Congratz on your hard work bro, keep it up. Later I'll write down all again hehe.

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Day 7 :

I didn't have that many time to do stuffs on the fanpages since I had extra business to take care of.

None the less, I found the time to do some promotion and to create the 2 pages I wanted to get launched today. One out of the 2 got instantly banned from the 11M Fanpage I wanted to mainly promote mine on, so I immediatly discarded it.

After 1 week, Page 1 is far above the objective of 100 likes and close to the objective of week 2 (300 likes).

I plan on doing a bit more of promotion tomorrow on all the pages.

1st Page : 260 likes (+21).
2nd Page : 16 likes (+4).
3rd Page : 24 likes (+10).
4th Page : 28 likes (+16).
5th Page : 0 likes.

I had a great reply written and then I clicked the wrong button on my mobile and it was gone!!!

Congratz on your hard work bro, keep it up. Later I'll write down all again hehe.

Thanks for your future comment then!
Dam! I'm also going to get started in facebook, also interested in gaming, however I'm going to do a sports meme page possibly. Lol btw we also live so close to each other. :P if you really do live in lb in socal haha
Hey dude! How are you? Did you quit this journal?

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