Faking traffic with i-frames question


May 16, 2008
Reaction score
Pretty new to the blackhat stuff but have a question....

I want to fake traffic to my site. What I want to do is take a couple of my sites that are getting a lot of traffic and funneling it using an invisible i-frame to another one of my sites to fake traffic.

Are there any negative implications to doing this and if so, what is a better approach?
if your using the iframe on sites you already own right? well if your doing that and then just stuffing some of the pages with an iframe, I dont see a problem, if you want it to be invisible just set the h&w to "1" or is it pixels? either way to make it invisiible just set it to 1-1
if your using the iframe on sites you already own right? well if your doing that and then just stuffing some of the pages with an iframe, I dont see a problem, if you want it to be invisible just set the h&w to "1" or is it pixels? either way to make it invisiible just set it to 1-1

Great idea. Will have to remember this one.
just out of curiousity, what benefit are you getting from the fake traffic?
just out of curiousity, what benefit are you getting from the fake traffic?

Well, I was planning on raising impression count (for CS) but utilizing a script that will not stuff the traffic that comes from the site I have the iframe on. Just figured it would be a cheap way to propagate traffic and lower ctr.
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just out of curiousity, what benefit are you getting from the fake traffic?

I see a good benefit, I mean.. if you need more impressions for ads, this is a good way to do it i would image... anyone else care to chime in that has some more experience in doing this?