"Failed To Get Captcha Challenge..." in Ytadvertiser


Power Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone encountered this problem while uploading videos and knows how to solve it?

I already opened a ticket and PMed the creator but maybe in the meantime some other YTA user can point me in the right direction... :baby09:

I suggest PMing him here directly on BHW. Seems like he is fast to respond here ;)
Anyone encountered this problem while uploading videos and knows how to solve it?

I already opened a ticket and PMed the creator but maybe in the meantime some other YTA user can point me in the right direction... :baby09:


Already done :)

Hope to get this solved soon, I'm eager to flood YouTube with my affiliate links!

Edit: do you know at what time is ArbyDee usually online?
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I'm usually on around 9pm EST - 9amEST.

The best way to get technical support is by opening a support ticket in our website. (Which I see you have already done).

What you're experiencing is an isolated case. Aside from what we asked for in the support ticket, it'll be a good idea to

1. load accounts in the settings tab
2. Click the check box that says "enable http log"
3. Setup the video section and upload 1 video
4. Go to the program folder and look for "log.txt"
5. Send that log file to my email so I can check it as well


You can add me on skype as well -arbydee2
Ok, problem solved, it was my fault and not of Youtube Advertiser...if any of you encounter the same problem, be sure you have correctly done the verification of your Youtube accounts.

After manually created a dozen of accounts, I verified them through Senuke email checker and it seems something went wrong...lesson learned: always verify manually the accounts :p

A big thanks to Arby for the patience in helping me. Time to spam the tube!