Exploit friendster with javascript


Junior Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
I realize that social network can make a lot of visitor, especially if you put beautiful girl photos.. I know you are all know that.
But, do you know friendster?
This social network is very popular at Asia, espescially at South East Asia, where there are a lot of people is very newbie about internet..
Actually I am from South East Asia too, I am from Indonesia, that's why I know friendster.

Few months ago I can put adsense code at another people commet page, wow.. It's really make a lot of money very fast, but then friendster patch the bug. But still.. I can still add google adsense in my own page.
Actually friendster block some javascript code, then I create my own google adsense javascript, upload to my hosting, so I only need put code like this
<script src="http://...."></script>
I don't modify google adsense javascript, but I download show_ads.js from google adsense, then add my own google adsense setting, save the file, upload to my hosting.
The code will look somehow like this:

google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_width = 234;
google_ad_height = 40;

that (function(){............ is the begin of google adsense original javascript.
Then.. my adsense at my friendster page.

I already try some social network, I think only friendster can add my own javascipt.
What do you think? Can we exploit more then...? I think we can exploit more javascript code here
cool, but worth risking your Ad*sense account over?
We can use another methode, use javascript to redirect to your website, then there will be so many traffics to your web.
Btw,.. For some countries, Friendster is rank 3 at Alexa after Yahoo and google
For friendster,
If we create javascript like this:
<script type="javascript">

Friendster will delete your script, except the tags, so it will be like this
<script type="javascript"></script>

So to trick the script by upload your javascript to some hosting,
then the script is like this:
<script src="http://.......yourscriptfile.."></script>
Very interesting, this will have to be taken advantage of quickly before the close the hole.
Tried this but not working.... Any advice on how to make this work?
this should by pass there ad*sen*se java script block

<script type='text/javascript'><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_host = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
/* 336x280, created 11/20/08 */
google_ad_slot = "xxxxxxxx";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script src='http://pagead2.googl*esyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js' type='text/javascript'>
yes, but thats not an issue when you have multiple ad*sense accounts
Is this against TOS for adsense?

yes this is against adsense TOS, but heck I've got several niche competitors using adsense alongside with unlicensed scripts, porn etc they're still running and earning on adsense.
Hey.. adsense just and example, but you can use another ads program or exploit javascript for redirect or another manipulation script..
yes great idea arthro...maybe we can to use for bid ver tiser too

can anyone show your example about this..i mean your friendster profile
you can load about anything on your friendster page. it's just comments that blocked javascript, but i've heard there is an xss method that still works. anyone know anythin about this?
Nice idea, I wont use it, but its something I never thought about, Downloading the ads js file
my sister's friendster was hacked, when I visited her friendster profile it redirected me to a free iphone website.... How did this happen? Can we also do this same tactic? How?