Supreme Member
- Nov 30, 2009
- 1,322
- 605
Hey everyone! Felt a little bit in the writing mood so I decided to make a nice little write up while waiting for some bots to get to work. Keep in mind that this isn't meant to be anything new or spectacular, I just felt like writing and helping some people out. Anyway, this post is going to detail (just about) everything I know about IM. Hopefully it can help some people out. Here is what I'll be covering:
-How to start IM with a good start
-My 3 golden rules to success
-Read, but know when to stop...
-Blackhat vs. Whitehat
-Don't be a noob
-How to scale up
-Words of wisdom
-What not to do
-Longterm AKA Authority Sites
-What not to do
-Content Locking
-Social Media
-Meathead1234's Review Site Method
-Offline Marketing
-Selling websites and services
-Should I Buy Scrapebox?
-Yes... yes you should...
-Keyword research
-Ranking a website
-My 3 golden rules to success
Before getting started in IM there is a lot you need to know, but not as much as you think you need to know. When I first started IM and failed miserably I tried thinking of what I could do to turn things around and came up with 3 simple, yet very effective rules to follow:
-Hard Work
The way I look at it, these 3 simple rules can be put to use anywhere in life and help you succeed. IM is no different. It takes a lot of testing, failing and learning to get things off the ground. I believe if you apply these rules however, you will be MUCH further ahead than many others who try a method for an hour and give up.
-Read, but know when to stop...
I mentioned earlier that people think there is a lot they need to know in IM and all they end up doing is reading and purchasing unnecessary products with false claims and don't even end up implementing anything at all. A man once said something along the lines of "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.". In other words, you will learn and gain a lot more by actually trying things out for yourself. No one has ever earned money by sitting around reading about how to make money all day (well... turns out some people have, but you get the point).
-Blackhat vs. Whitehat
Let's assume now that you have done at least SOME reading. You have probably wondered to yourself whether to try something blackhat or whitehat. What I have found is that there is a simple distinction between the two: Whitehat = longterm cash, Blackhat = Quick bursts of cash. Personally I prefer a mixture of the two. Also keep in mind that blackhat does NOT mean illegal. There are many people around who claim FRAUD as a "blackhat technique". It's usually best to just stay away form these people.
-Don't be a noob
Ok. This has to be said. There are so many noobs going around asking stupid questions these days. The search button is there for a reason. In fact, probably 99% of what I have to say in this post is already scattered throughout the forum. To reiterate: use the search FFS! Also, before asking about something that is very simple, try it out yourself first! You might be pleased with the results you get from trying something rather than asking someone about it.
-How to scale up
Hmmm... I was going to put a small section on scaling up a method here but we'll save that for the end.
-Words of wisdom
So how about some words of wisdom before we get into actually getting started? A lot of people will doubt you can make money online, but it really is possible. Showing people my stats on my phone at the bar is a great feeling, especially being able to buy your friends a round of drinks afterwards. One more thing I'd like to add is another quote I've heard somewhere before which goes something like "In the mind of the beginner there are infinite possibilities, but in the mind of the expert there are few".
Hosting is one of the most important things you will need in your IM career. It is the basic building block of which you will start your journey. Please, for the love of God, do not use free hosting or blogger. If you are serious about IM you will without a doubt need good reliable hosting. If you can't afford the $5-10/month it costs for hosting, I'm afraid you don't have much of a future in IM already. Having real hosting helps in many ways. First, real domains like .com and .net look much better to people than blogger and other random domain names. It is also more reliable and has a ton of features which you may need in the future.
Even if you do not have a basic understanding of any of these, it isn't a big deal, but I'd HIGHLY recommend learning a little bit of each. Throughout your IM career you will most likely find yourself needing a ton of landing pages created. If you outsource these it can add up pretty quickly. Keep in mind you don't need to be a guru. Simply learn some basic html/css and you can just edit pre made templates rather than build pages from the ground up.
Wordpress is what I consider one of the other major parts in your IM career. Once you get up and running you should learn your way around Wordpress. Some good things to know would be which plugins to use and which themes to use.
Just a small note. When doing blackhat stuff, stay off your real IP address. Use proxies or a VPN such as HideMyAss. I'm not going to go into details on why you should do this.
Time to get to the good stuff now!
-Basics/What not to do
AdSense is a WONDERFUL creation! You simply put some ads up on your site, some people click those ads, you make money! There are some basics you need to know though. AdSense is owned by Google. They know what they are doing when it comes to keeping everything in order. There are very few if any people at all that cheat AdSense and get away with it. You also need to know that clicking your own ads or having other click your ads is NOT BLACKHAT. It is ILLEGAL as it is considered FRAUD.
With all that said, AdSense is a great way to make some good longterm consistent income.
You may or may not have heard the term MNS before. It stands for Micro Niche Site. Basically it is when you creating a website around a small targeted niche which will be easier to rank for than a less targeted niche. A good example of a MNS (example taken from macdonjo3) would be Winter Coats For Women. The broad niche here would be coats, however, here it is broken down into winter coats, and even further, winter coats for women. You can view macdonjo3's thread here:
Keep in mind a lot of people think MNSs are not the way to go anymore. Well, basically the old way of creating them is out. This was basically just buying a domain with the exact match of the keyword and throwing up 2 pages of content and calling it a day. Nowadays Google wants good quality content. You need to still update and add content once in awhile. Although, it is still possible to use the old way and people still do get away with it. Google is very confusing and there will always be exceptions to rules. However, I think it's best practice to do what they want.
If you want personal experience, I have purchased 35 MNSs. My total cost was about $700 including domain costs. A few of them are ranking and I have been making about $100/month. Keep in mind I've only owned the sites for a few months now though. I will however, be selling my sites to gain more profit as I don't like to hold on to MNSs in case Google decides to trash them completely.
-Longterm AKA Authority Sites
If you want good longterm success with AdSense then I highly suggest you go this route. It will take a lot of time and effort but it is very achievable. Personally I have just started such a venture and have not seen any success yet as I have been putting of writing articles and working on some other things. Basically though, if you can take time everyday to write 1 or 2 articles, even if you don't do any keyword research you will begin seeing traffic eventually. Just remember to write GOOD QUALITY articles with NO DUPE CONTENT. Be original and write good stuff.
-Basics/What not to do
CPA is one of the best things to ever happen to IM! It is where the big money is at. CPA stands for Cost Per Action, which basically means you need to get someone to fill something out and you get paid. Examples are email/zip submits, simple surveys, cell# submits, etc... A lot of people hear about CPA and instantly think "Sweet! I can just sit here putting in random emails all day and make bank!". They couldn't be anymore wrong. CPA networks look for fraudulent leads which will result in you not getting paid and just wasting your time and looking like an idiot.
One more thing. If you are locking a site (view below) have actual content to show the user and make sure you show them AT LEAST something. I was almost not paid over $5k once due to having misleading content.
Here is a small list of networks I have used before which have paid me. Most of these are also easy to get into.
-Adscend Media
-PeerFly (Not so easy)
-Blam Ads
If you are just starting out I'd highly recommend starting with AdScend as they are easy to get into and have been my favourite network to work with so far.
-Content Locking
To me, content locking is the heart of CPA. Basically you stop a visitor from entering your site until they fill out one of your CPA offers. I'm not sure what else to say about this other than it is amazing. If you really want to get serious about content locking and do not want to use an individual network's locker, you should check out meathead1234's product, Content Lock Pro here:
-Social Media
Social media should probably be it's own section altogether, however, I have only used it for CPA so that's what I'll discuss here.
Facebook has been VERY big for CPA. With something like half of the world on it it is a huge goldmine. The biggest way to earn money with CPA and Facebook is to have a viral script. These aren't around as much anymore though and should be used at your own risk. Facebook may or may not send you a Cease and Desist letter telling you to never use Facebook ever again, although this is rare and doesn't mean much if you're smart about it.
One legit way I know to make money with CPA and Facebook is to have a simple game created and allow users to purchase gold or whatever by filling out offer. I'm not sure however if Facebook actually allows this but I'm pretty sure many other games do this and I have heard of other making $200+/day with one game.
Twitter is also a huge goldmine for CPA, although much harder to tap into. Most people will tell you that Twitter has some of the worst converting traffic on the internet, and they're right. For some reason Twitter users do not like to fill out surveys. They are there to get the news and get out. It is still however possible to make money with Twitter, although I am still figuring out Twitter myself.
One way to use Twitter is to build huge followings of people. Basically you just mass follow people, they follow you back. You want to target specific niches when doing this and then eventually send out a CPA link or something else.
Another way to use Twitter is to just mass tweet at people. This is done by using automation software such as Tweet Attacks which allows you to message people when they write about something. This can be as targeted as you like. There's a lot more in details on this and I make an entire thread about it down the road.
I don't know much about ClickBank but I do know there is money to be made with it. Lots of people consider ClickBank old news or dead but tons of people are still making a ton with them. CB is a website where product vendors can put there products up and have affiliates market them and offer them a cut. Usually when you make a sale through CB you make 75% of the cost.
-Meathead1234's Review Site Method
This is the only CB method I have actually tried myself. I made $130 with it with very little work. You can check out the full thread here:
I have not done any site flipping myself yet but will be selling a few of my sites on Flippa very soon. There is a lot of money to be made in site flipping. I'm no expert on the subject though so here's another one of meathead's threads if you're interested in getting started with site flipping:
-Offline Marketing
-Selling websites and services
This can be pretty challenging, however, it's not that hard once you get the hang of it. Finding clients is really the hardest part. What you need to do is walk into a place, get to speak with a manager and show them all of the negative comments about their establishment you can find. Offer them to bury the negative complaints with a great video testimonial which will be easily findable on the web. They will most likely ask how much it costs and then you can start some longterm business with them in the future by upsetting with SEO or other work. P.S. To get your testimonial out there you can hire someone on fiver to do the video and another person to submit it to a ton of sites.
I'm not really an SEO guru or anything, but here's what I know.
-Should I Buy Scrapebox?
This question comes up a lot here at BHW and the answer is:
-Yes... yes you should...
Just buy the damn thing. It is an amazing tool and needs to be in your arsenal of IM tools. Before using it though, make sure you learn the ins and outs of backlinking manually so that you don't use SB to exponentially hurt your site rather than help it.
-Keyword research
Through my entire IM life I've only sworn by one tool which is Market Samurai. There are however other great, less complicated tools out there but I have grown accustomed to Market Samurai. Another tool I use is IFN (Itches for Niches) which is a website to get a list of keywords, their search volume, and see if the EMD (Exact Match Domain) is available. What I do is get a list of keywords I like in IFN and then run them through Market Samurai. I will look at stats such as how many websites have that keyword in their title, Adwords CPC and some other factors to determine which keywords I end up using. If you need something simple though, macdonjo3 has released a new product which claims to be easy as pie. I have not personally tried it but you can check out Keyword Scout here (your welcome macdonjo3 ):
-Ranking a website
There's a lot to know when ranking a website, but the bear essentials are on-site SEO and off-site SEO. For on-site SEO you want to make sure your text is optimized for the search engines. This means that if you are targeting a certain keyword then you need to have that keyword around your site in places such as the URL, the title, h1 tags. bolded and generally used normally throughout. Don't go overboard with using the keyword though. You want your page to still look natural. As for off-page SEO, this is a huge topic. If you want a good read on a good off-page SEO strategy you should check out this thread:
Personally I like to outsource my off-site SEO as I'm a pretty lazy guy. There are a lot of great people on BHW selling amazing services. You should really however get to know what exactly you need before buying a service.
This brings us back to scaling up. With almost any method, if you can make $1 it is possible to make $100, or even more. Scaling up is usually done by hiring someone or even multiple people to do a job for you. Another way to scale up if you are using software is to buy a VPS or dedicated server so you can either run more threads within a program or run multiple instances of a program at the same time effectively doubling what you're doing.
99% of people that read this thread will most likely click back and read another thread. Be the 1%. Take action and make some money. Prove those haters wrong!
-How to start IM with a good start
-My 3 golden rules to success
-Read, but know when to stop...
-Blackhat vs. Whitehat
-Don't be a noob
-How to scale up
-Words of wisdom
-What not to do
-Longterm AKA Authority Sites
-What not to do
-Content Locking
-Social Media
-Meathead1234's Review Site Method
-Offline Marketing
-Selling websites and services
-Should I Buy Scrapebox?
-Yes... yes you should...
-Keyword research
-Ranking a website
-My 3 golden rules to success
Before getting started in IM there is a lot you need to know, but not as much as you think you need to know. When I first started IM and failed miserably I tried thinking of what I could do to turn things around and came up with 3 simple, yet very effective rules to follow:
-Hard Work
The way I look at it, these 3 simple rules can be put to use anywhere in life and help you succeed. IM is no different. It takes a lot of testing, failing and learning to get things off the ground. I believe if you apply these rules however, you will be MUCH further ahead than many others who try a method for an hour and give up.
-Read, but know when to stop...
I mentioned earlier that people think there is a lot they need to know in IM and all they end up doing is reading and purchasing unnecessary products with false claims and don't even end up implementing anything at all. A man once said something along the lines of "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.". In other words, you will learn and gain a lot more by actually trying things out for yourself. No one has ever earned money by sitting around reading about how to make money all day (well... turns out some people have, but you get the point).
-Blackhat vs. Whitehat
Let's assume now that you have done at least SOME reading. You have probably wondered to yourself whether to try something blackhat or whitehat. What I have found is that there is a simple distinction between the two: Whitehat = longterm cash, Blackhat = Quick bursts of cash. Personally I prefer a mixture of the two. Also keep in mind that blackhat does NOT mean illegal. There are many people around who claim FRAUD as a "blackhat technique". It's usually best to just stay away form these people.
-Don't be a noob
Ok. This has to be said. There are so many noobs going around asking stupid questions these days. The search button is there for a reason. In fact, probably 99% of what I have to say in this post is already scattered throughout the forum. To reiterate: use the search FFS! Also, before asking about something that is very simple, try it out yourself first! You might be pleased with the results you get from trying something rather than asking someone about it.
-How to scale up
Hmmm... I was going to put a small section on scaling up a method here but we'll save that for the end.
-Words of wisdom
So how about some words of wisdom before we get into actually getting started? A lot of people will doubt you can make money online, but it really is possible. Showing people my stats on my phone at the bar is a great feeling, especially being able to buy your friends a round of drinks afterwards. One more thing I'd like to add is another quote I've heard somewhere before which goes something like "In the mind of the beginner there are infinite possibilities, but in the mind of the expert there are few".
Hosting is one of the most important things you will need in your IM career. It is the basic building block of which you will start your journey. Please, for the love of God, do not use free hosting or blogger. If you are serious about IM you will without a doubt need good reliable hosting. If you can't afford the $5-10/month it costs for hosting, I'm afraid you don't have much of a future in IM already. Having real hosting helps in many ways. First, real domains like .com and .net look much better to people than blogger and other random domain names. It is also more reliable and has a ton of features which you may need in the future.
Even if you do not have a basic understanding of any of these, it isn't a big deal, but I'd HIGHLY recommend learning a little bit of each. Throughout your IM career you will most likely find yourself needing a ton of landing pages created. If you outsource these it can add up pretty quickly. Keep in mind you don't need to be a guru. Simply learn some basic html/css and you can just edit pre made templates rather than build pages from the ground up.
Wordpress is what I consider one of the other major parts in your IM career. Once you get up and running you should learn your way around Wordpress. Some good things to know would be which plugins to use and which themes to use.
Just a small note. When doing blackhat stuff, stay off your real IP address. Use proxies or a VPN such as HideMyAss. I'm not going to go into details on why you should do this.
Time to get to the good stuff now!
-Basics/What not to do
AdSense is a WONDERFUL creation! You simply put some ads up on your site, some people click those ads, you make money! There are some basics you need to know though. AdSense is owned by Google. They know what they are doing when it comes to keeping everything in order. There are very few if any people at all that cheat AdSense and get away with it. You also need to know that clicking your own ads or having other click your ads is NOT BLACKHAT. It is ILLEGAL as it is considered FRAUD.
With all that said, AdSense is a great way to make some good longterm consistent income.
You may or may not have heard the term MNS before. It stands for Micro Niche Site. Basically it is when you creating a website around a small targeted niche which will be easier to rank for than a less targeted niche. A good example of a MNS (example taken from macdonjo3) would be Winter Coats For Women. The broad niche here would be coats, however, here it is broken down into winter coats, and even further, winter coats for women. You can view macdonjo3's thread here:
If you want personal experience, I have purchased 35 MNSs. My total cost was about $700 including domain costs. A few of them are ranking and I have been making about $100/month. Keep in mind I've only owned the sites for a few months now though. I will however, be selling my sites to gain more profit as I don't like to hold on to MNSs in case Google decides to trash them completely.
-Longterm AKA Authority Sites
If you want good longterm success with AdSense then I highly suggest you go this route. It will take a lot of time and effort but it is very achievable. Personally I have just started such a venture and have not seen any success yet as I have been putting of writing articles and working on some other things. Basically though, if you can take time everyday to write 1 or 2 articles, even if you don't do any keyword research you will begin seeing traffic eventually. Just remember to write GOOD QUALITY articles with NO DUPE CONTENT. Be original and write good stuff.
-Basics/What not to do
CPA is one of the best things to ever happen to IM! It is where the big money is at. CPA stands for Cost Per Action, which basically means you need to get someone to fill something out and you get paid. Examples are email/zip submits, simple surveys, cell# submits, etc... A lot of people hear about CPA and instantly think "Sweet! I can just sit here putting in random emails all day and make bank!". They couldn't be anymore wrong. CPA networks look for fraudulent leads which will result in you not getting paid and just wasting your time and looking like an idiot.
One more thing. If you are locking a site (view below) have actual content to show the user and make sure you show them AT LEAST something. I was almost not paid over $5k once due to having misleading content.
Here is a small list of networks I have used before which have paid me. Most of these are also easy to get into.
-Adscend Media
-PeerFly (Not so easy)
-Blam Ads
If you are just starting out I'd highly recommend starting with AdScend as they are easy to get into and have been my favourite network to work with so far.
-Content Locking
To me, content locking is the heart of CPA. Basically you stop a visitor from entering your site until they fill out one of your CPA offers. I'm not sure what else to say about this other than it is amazing. If you really want to get serious about content locking and do not want to use an individual network's locker, you should check out meathead1234's product, Content Lock Pro here:
Social media should probably be it's own section altogether, however, I have only used it for CPA so that's what I'll discuss here.
Facebook has been VERY big for CPA. With something like half of the world on it it is a huge goldmine. The biggest way to earn money with CPA and Facebook is to have a viral script. These aren't around as much anymore though and should be used at your own risk. Facebook may or may not send you a Cease and Desist letter telling you to never use Facebook ever again, although this is rare and doesn't mean much if you're smart about it.
One legit way I know to make money with CPA and Facebook is to have a simple game created and allow users to purchase gold or whatever by filling out offer. I'm not sure however if Facebook actually allows this but I'm pretty sure many other games do this and I have heard of other making $200+/day with one game.
Twitter is also a huge goldmine for CPA, although much harder to tap into. Most people will tell you that Twitter has some of the worst converting traffic on the internet, and they're right. For some reason Twitter users do not like to fill out surveys. They are there to get the news and get out. It is still however possible to make money with Twitter, although I am still figuring out Twitter myself.
One way to use Twitter is to build huge followings of people. Basically you just mass follow people, they follow you back. You want to target specific niches when doing this and then eventually send out a CPA link or something else.
Another way to use Twitter is to just mass tweet at people. This is done by using automation software such as Tweet Attacks which allows you to message people when they write about something. This can be as targeted as you like. There's a lot more in details on this and I make an entire thread about it down the road.
I don't know much about ClickBank but I do know there is money to be made with it. Lots of people consider ClickBank old news or dead but tons of people are still making a ton with them. CB is a website where product vendors can put there products up and have affiliates market them and offer them a cut. Usually when you make a sale through CB you make 75% of the cost.
-Meathead1234's Review Site Method
This is the only CB method I have actually tried myself. I made $130 with it with very little work. You can check out the full thread here:
I have not done any site flipping myself yet but will be selling a few of my sites on Flippa very soon. There is a lot of money to be made in site flipping. I'm no expert on the subject though so here's another one of meathead's threads if you're interested in getting started with site flipping:
-Selling websites and services
This can be pretty challenging, however, it's not that hard once you get the hang of it. Finding clients is really the hardest part. What you need to do is walk into a place, get to speak with a manager and show them all of the negative comments about their establishment you can find. Offer them to bury the negative complaints with a great video testimonial which will be easily findable on the web. They will most likely ask how much it costs and then you can start some longterm business with them in the future by upsetting with SEO or other work. P.S. To get your testimonial out there you can hire someone on fiver to do the video and another person to submit it to a ton of sites.
I'm not really an SEO guru or anything, but here's what I know.
-Should I Buy Scrapebox?
This question comes up a lot here at BHW and the answer is:
-Yes... yes you should...
Just buy the damn thing. It is an amazing tool and needs to be in your arsenal of IM tools. Before using it though, make sure you learn the ins and outs of backlinking manually so that you don't use SB to exponentially hurt your site rather than help it.
-Keyword research
Through my entire IM life I've only sworn by one tool which is Market Samurai. There are however other great, less complicated tools out there but I have grown accustomed to Market Samurai. Another tool I use is IFN (Itches for Niches) which is a website to get a list of keywords, their search volume, and see if the EMD (Exact Match Domain) is available. What I do is get a list of keywords I like in IFN and then run them through Market Samurai. I will look at stats such as how many websites have that keyword in their title, Adwords CPC and some other factors to determine which keywords I end up using. If you need something simple though, macdonjo3 has released a new product which claims to be easy as pie. I have not personally tried it but you can check out Keyword Scout here (your welcome macdonjo3 ):
-Ranking a website
There's a lot to know when ranking a website, but the bear essentials are on-site SEO and off-site SEO. For on-site SEO you want to make sure your text is optimized for the search engines. This means that if you are targeting a certain keyword then you need to have that keyword around your site in places such as the URL, the title, h1 tags. bolded and generally used normally throughout. Don't go overboard with using the keyword though. You want your page to still look natural. As for off-page SEO, this is a huge topic. If you want a good read on a good off-page SEO strategy you should check out this thread:
Personally I like to outsource my off-site SEO as I'm a pretty lazy guy. There are a lot of great people on BHW selling amazing services. You should really however get to know what exactly you need before buying a service.
This brings us back to scaling up. With almost any method, if you can make $1 it is possible to make $100, or even more. Scaling up is usually done by hiring someone or even multiple people to do a job for you. Another way to scale up if you are using software is to buy a VPS or dedicated server so you can either run more threads within a program or run multiple instances of a program at the same time effectively doubling what you're doing.
99% of people that read this thread will most likely click back and read another thread. Be the 1%. Take action and make some money. Prove those haters wrong!
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