Every account on Jarvee - The Likes Are blocked?

ste rathb

Regular Member
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
Every account of mine has like blocks (24hrs) This happens every day even if I set likes to 7 likes per day? The follows and comments are on 300-700 per day with no blocks but the likes are blocked no matter how low I set them even if i set them to 7 likes per day? Anyone else have this problem. I use dedicated Instagram proxies from storm.
I got this problem too. But I have stoped from liking. I'm not sure if it's a Jarvee problem or a Proxy problem as In the past I have used this and I didn't got any like restrictions.
Set the Like source to Feed like own followers posts for 7 days until u earn trust score
I got this problem too. But I have stoped from liking. I'm not sure if it's a Jarvee problem or a Proxy problem as In the past I have used this and I didn't got any like restrictions.

I'm using a mobile IP. Some accounts can't like.(about 20%)

Even liking my own followers is causing issues.
Have you found any solutions to this? My accounts are all getting like blocked on Jarvee. Is it the proxies or something else?

What are you guys using for good proxy providers and Jarvee settings to avoid the like blocks??
Use storm proxies and as for likes hve them as . Like own followers posts. Until account are aged
Use storm proxies and as for likes hve them as . Like own followers posts. Until account are aged

Thanks for the advice, will try Storm Proxies out. All accounts are aged and over 30,000 followers with 90% authentic. Hopefully new proxies help.
I was getting the same problem untill i found the reason
im in the like exchange system so my account already like 800 per day +600 my settings
I was getting the same problem untill i found the reason
im in the like exchange system so my account already like 800 per day +600 my settings

Ok I’m not currently using the like exchange but I saw that it was launched. I’m currently doing intervals for like and follow so like and follows aren’t happening in sync.. still getting like blocked, but this was a suggestion by another BHW user.

So by setting up the like exchange system is this helping to avoid getting blocks for likes with your accounts? What settings do you have it on? Thanks for sharing!
no it's not what i mean
i said maybe he is doing like exchange (800 maybe) and 600 like with his account so he will get like block
for people that don't use like exchange check the authorized app in your account maybe it using your account to like other posts
I was getting the same problem untill i found the reason
im in the like exchange system so my account already like 800 per day +600 my settings
Are u seeing any success with like exchange tool?