erPR 51 WTF? No he's some good do****** BL for free


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2009
Reaction score
So Here's the Deal I'm gonna start offering blog commenting services in the next couple of days and wanted to spread the good word. So here is 11 juicy url to throw some Backlinks on with a combined PR of 51. Although this is mainly to get feedback, comments, suggestion, ect.. thanks and rep are also greatly appreciated. So without further ado here they are with descriptions as well
PR 5//auto approve//no registration

PR 5//auto approve but must register and confirm email
PR 6//auto approve//no registration
PR 5//auto approve but must register and confirm email
PR 5//auto approve but must register//no email confirm
PR 5//auto approve//no registration
PR 5//auto approve//no registration
PR 5//auto approve//no registration
PR 4//auto approve//no registration
PR 3//auto approve//no registration
PR 3//auto approve//no registration

Please take note when building your links from these site how other are doing it though as some don't allow the a href attribute so you have to put your anchor text as your name and your url in the url box.

Again I'm looking for feedback so don't be shy to tell me something but just please don't pm me, keep it in this thread.
why thanks gloom but if you get around to using them please leave a comment
also I forgot to mention that the pr I stated above is not the homepage pr it's the pr where the bl is coming from.
good work,but they are not do fo llow

Some of them are do follow some are not. Still a great share. Best thing is the ones I checked have a low obl.
Thanks for the ideas, but I'm honestly not terribly impressed. The first is nofollow, the second 3 I checked have pagerank N/A for that particular page. Not bothering to check the rest.
Thanks for the ideas, but I'm honestly not terribly impressed. The first is nofollow, the second 3 I checked have pagerank N/A for that particular page. Not bothering to check the rest.

Not sure what you are using mate, but I checked every single page he listed and the PR is all as stated. You are either using a bad pr checker or have a IP that is not accessing a correct data center.

This is a quality list. I know, I use some of the domains in the list, and I had to find them that hard way by hand, this is a GREAT share!
Thanks for backing me up loopline

@csa yea they are all the pr that I stated so I don't know what your using to check

You should get seo quake for FF, it's awesome
Yeah seo quake is good.

I used search status to do the checks I mentioned above. Although I use Scrapebox for large PR check runs, if you have it and use it with quality paid private proxies or your own ip it works well too.

Glad to back you up haverox. I build do follow auto approve lists, I know how long they take and what is quality and whats not. This is a quality share.

One note on the 5th page you listed. I have used her site before and they always go thru and keep my comments but remove the links. This is true for all comments, as I tracked it over a time period. So unless its changed from a few months ago any links put there will be removed.

However I have links on some of the other domains in your list and they have remained for months now. Again great share and thanks!
Well there are links on pinkspage right now that have been there for months, that's usuallly something I look for when building list however if you say you've had them taken down then I will take your word for it as that was the first time I have used that domain.
And I mean hey it was just a freebie to let people get to know me a little better so if people wanna complain just know that those people are the 95 percenters of the world and move on, right?
I tried the first 3 auto approve websites, and none were auto approve to my knowledge. I hand-wrote the comments and they were thought out thoroughly. Shame, thanks for the share anyway. I'm sure they'll be just as good after they're approved lol.
Well they were auto appove for me, maybe it's the fact that these blogs weren't use to more than a few comments a day and judging by the view count of this thread probably about a hundred people have tried to post their comments on there in the past two days. no worries I will post another ten of so in the next couple of hours.
Well there are links on pinkspage right now that have been there for months, that's usuallly something I look for when building list however if you say you've had them taken down then I will take your word for it as that was the first time I have used that domain.
And I mean hey it was just a freebie to let people get to know me a little better so if people wanna complain just know that those people are the 95 percenters of the world and move on, right?

Well this was in Dec/Jan. It could have changed. It also could have been the urls I was using. I didn't post to the page you listed, only the domain, different urls. I was just pointing out my experience since you asked for comments.

Which if I might add, is the value here folks. I personally am not going to post any links on the urls listed, as within weeks they will be spammed to death. I am going to use the domains I didn't know about and find other urls on them that allow me to post. It would seem simple, but you would be surprised to know that the vast majority of people don't do this. I know cause I sell auto approve **************** lists and the ulrs on my list can sometime become spammed in time. While I personally use urls from the domains, but not the ones on the list and they remain safe from spam.

LOL, if they want to complain, they can keep moving. Although I often feel like they are the 99% of the world. :D

Either way, the list is a small nugget of gold. Thanks mate!
yeah great share for sure,i checked again and some have do follow,right,do you have another list you want to share with your fellows:D
As promised (although a bit late, Forgot it was my friends birthday and we had a trip to Miami planned ) here is the link to my newest thread which contains 15 do ******* blogs with a combined PR of 61 ( PR 3-5 ). If you enjoyed the ones posted above definitely check out this thread

And I will admit I messed up on one or two of the ones from the list above however I promise I double checked this time and they are all do ********.
Happy commenting and feedback is still appreciated.
Great list mate we are waiting for your second list.
the link to the second list is posted above
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