epass.. don't have to report earnings?


Junior Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I'm talking to this affiliate for a porn website; he is telling me you don't have to report earnings from it, because government can't check. he is in canada i'm in usa.
I would like to know that too... but if you withdraw money from usa ATM's, then can't the gov see your earnings?
thats why epasspass is anynomus ...
you can edit your address anytime and name
easy and simple
i use epassporte. yes, its anonymous. its an offshore owned by visa. and the atms are not the bank property so they wont have access to your account.
Well, if you guys are looking for anonymity, I have the way and the Light.

Hit my sig.
If your affiliate network is located in Canada they do not report your earnings to the US government.

Just to clarify, by law you have to report it, but if the earnings are not reported by the company paying you, it's under the table. This means your chances of getting caught of not reporting it in an audit are less.
you can withdraw from an ATM using it. I have more money in my epass than in my paypal.
epass is not owned by visa you idiots.
who seriously believes that
its owned by ChrisM. who used to run epoch.
epass is not even based in the US but somewhere on the caribian