End of Google is near

Many have come and many have gone. Many claimed that they would be the next Google.

Majority of the entire population is using android phones. Guess who has total control over android? Correct, it's Google. Google is here to stay.
If you talk about Google do you also include Android OS, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Translate, Google Shopping, Google News, etc.?

They are too big to fail. Besides this, Google has manifested itself in the brain of the people. They automatically go to Google to search for something
How did Microsoft let it happen? They could have easily matched Chrome browser and Google with some effort

Or at least got a much bigger share of the market
You're all confusing investment funds with innovation. Money wont replace Google, but a funded startup with a great idea might. Google replaced Altavista and Yahoo with much less than that.
You're all confusing investment funds with innovation. Money wont replace Google, but a funded startup with a great idea might. Google replaced Altavista and Yahoo with much less than that.
You.com definitely isn't a great new idea
It is not just all about money to "kill" google. If someone really wants to compete from equal to equal with Google, will need first to develop campaigns on which to change the mindset of regular people, branding something is the key, making people to use your brand mouth-to-mouth on daily basis, you need to build a pyramid in this way, starting with big legit influencers around globe, hardcore advertising everywhere, and ending with regular humans. In theory maybe is not hard, but in reality you need a very strong team of the smartest people around the globe and of course unlimited budget.