End of August 2020 - What Did You Accomplish + What Are Your Goals For Next Month?

Social God

Supreme Member
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
"Goals help us become better versions of ourselves. ... Writing down your goals means that you can visually see them. This is an important point because when we see something, it affects how we act. You're more likely to be productive if you can see what you have to do, instead of just thinking about it. " Source (not affiliated with any links on here)

What did you accomplish and what are your goals for next month?

  • For me, I was able to publish 50+ articles that I'm highly proud of. I set a goal of 70 articles this month but failed. To be realistic. my goal for next month is to achieve a higher article count than August.

How about you?
  1. What did you accomplish in August 2020?
  2. What are your goals to achieve by the end of September 2020?
1. I reached $100/month mark on my first ever website.
2. Next goal is to reach $150-200 by the end of September.
1. I have +15k members in my Facebook group.
2. I want to create a second group with a slightly different niche, but related to the first one. I plan to get a head start by cross sharing some posts.
1. I reached $100/month mark on my first ever website.
2. Next goal is to reach $150-200 by the end of September.
That's awesome! Do you have a journey going on?

Would love to follow!
1. I have +15k members in my Facebook group.
2. I want to create a second group with a slightly different niche, but related to the first one. I plan to get a head start by cross sharing some posts.
I'm still trying to figure out how you grow Facebook groups!
Got to all my goals for this month, rised the goal for next month with 25% :)
In August, I ranked #1 for a 10k searches/mo keyword. It's not VERY profitable, only earning me 50-100$ a month, but it was a challenge for me to try and rank without any excessive amount of backlinks.

In the beginning of August, I started working on my first authority site, and I've published ~20 1.5k-3k word articles throughout August which I'm really happy about. September will be all about scaling this up!

Also, in the middle of August, I became shareholder of a startup which I will be developing their software for, looking forward to that too :)