Email/Zip Shaving?


Regular Member
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Has anyone had a problem with a lot of your email and zip offers not being counted?
Yes! Every CPA company shaves! Even on lil small $1.00 email/zips submits. Limit the traffic you send to one company and keep it spreading and rotating as much as you can.
its called scrubbing not necessarily shaving by your CPA network themselves, but the actual offer.
Wats the difference? And usually how much do they scrub?
I was getting scrubbed so much that I have given up email submits all together. Even doing them black hat way with an incentive.

I'm not saying it's not possible but I'm just tired of it.
I've always wondered about this too. What exactly is the reason they scrub leads in the first place? Do they have some kind of filtering system in place that can tell which leads are no good? I've even noticed sometimes when I'm testing out some leads with a good proxy and a legit email addy, I won't get credited for the lead. These are the same offers I'll notice getting really bad conversions later on when I start to promote them. It just depends on the offer/advertiser. This makes it really hard to test offers, because it's hard to tell if the visitors are just not putting in their email, or if the offer is just not converting no matter how many people enter an email.

So is just a problem with email/zip submits? If so, has it always been like that?
I believe (but might be wrong) that merchants give you a quality score. If your leads are not converting they will scrub you more. Not sure though.

And they also scrub randomly, well just because they can!!!