Email Accounts for PBN - It's a Disastahhh


Power Member
Dec 13, 2014
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So I made 40 Gmail Accounts over the past month and 15 Yahoo accounts.
Just tried to log into the first 20 gmail and all Yahoo (on different IP addresses and my own). ALL of them are locked. Any tips on how I can make email addresses for my PBN's?
I'm trying to make a unique persona per website in my network, it's a small amount of effort now for long terms safety (or atleast it was supposed to be!).

Note: They were all verified accounts but my IP has changed since then and I made up the recover number as I don't have 55 phone numbers.
Note 2: I assumed that setting the recover email addresses the same for all accounts would be a massive footprint.

Current Feeling:
you mean emails for wordpress admin account? how does that matter? You can use those companies which are easy going like zoho or use an email from each of your domain. Why would you spend time creating so many emails?
To sign up to the hosting I need a unique email address, UK registrars tend to slap the email you used to sign up with on the Who-Is database immediately.
Basically I need a bunch of email addresses to sign up to hosting with.
ahh i see. Then maybe use some other registrar (very dumb opinion but can't think of anything else). I mean if they will publicly mention the email then find someone who will not. Any reason you are choosing UK ones only - is it to register and .uk domains only? Then it will be very hard to do so.
Thanks a lot for your replies humphry! I just bought 100 PVA gmail accounts, i'm logging into them once and then redirecting all mail to my newly created cpanel email address.
I just needed a gmail to start with and only need to access it once with this method. Thanks :D
In addition, hotmail accounts are way easier to deal with, you can even pva 100 accounts with the same phone number and they dont care.
What i personally do is buy US hotmail and yahoo account in bulk . Have my VA use US proxies and add recovery email to all of them. Next time when i use them and if they get blocked due to being used from different location IP, i just reinstate them using the recovery email.

They work fine forever after that.
Dude, screw hotmail, gmail or yahoo instead of using this you can use other free mail services that dont ask for phone veryfication like or or gmx mail and there lots more that offer the same and with those they dont even care if you open 20 accounts with the same IP, why choose the hard way when there is a lot easier way that works better?
As far as I see, noone has mentioned yet, but don't you think it is not the best idea to use gmail accounts for setting up your PBN? Or is it only me who thinks so?!
As far as I see, noone has mentioned yet, but don't you think it is not the best idea to use gmail accounts for setting up your PBN? Or is it only me who thinks so?!

Yeah that is a good advice! But, that goes same with hotmail and yahoo since they share more information than you think that is why is better to use unknown email accounts.