Dropshipping supplier and profit from ebay


Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
i apologize in advance i don't know if i should post this in joint or here.

I have and work with a legit dropshipping supplier...though mostly online means...posting this here if any1 in interested joining in with their ebay.
i want to work with people who are interested in making $$$ garanteed per day with ebay and dropshipping. have basically have a excellent supplier. Able to sell random assortment of item from him...headphones, cases, cameras, phones, other misc stuff. Some have a good profit margin on ebay ..some don't....but ALL have some kind.
add me on skype: darkrazeen
and i will explain it more.

ONLY requirements are a
verfied paypal and ebay acc with past seller feedback
USA sellers only...since supplier will only ship to the 48 continental states
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I'm interested too 100+ fb on eBay I'm already doing this sort of thing, I would be interested with more.
pm send to you. guys please add me on skype...much easier to communicate info to you directly.
i will be on for the next 6 hours. Feel free to add me when you like.
still looking for 1-2 more people....any1 interested add my skype darkrazeen
i apologize in advance i don't know if i should post this in joint or here.

I have and work with a legit dropshipping supplier...though mostly online means...posting this here if any1 in interested joining in with their ebay.
i want to work with people who are interested in making $$$ garanteed per day with ebay and dropshipping. have basically have a excellent supplier. Able to sell random assortment of item from him...headphones, cases, cameras, phones, other misc stuff. Some have a good profit margin on ebay ..some don't....but ALL have some kind.
add me on skype: darkrazeen
and i will explain it more.

ONLY requirements are a
verfied paypal and ebay acc with past seller feedback
USA sellers only...since supplier will only ship to the 48 continental states

Please PM me details of your dropshipping. Hope you're "connection" isn't Aliexpress lol!
Hi, very interested. Please get in touch with me and send me your skyype as I can't reply to PMs yet.