Drastic Drop in RPM and Monetized Playbacks on a Newly Monetized Channel


Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, 2 weeks ago I monetized my channel, and 3 or 4 days after being monetized, with all the videos in green.


Monetized views have started to drop to a maximum cap of 1,000 monetizable views per day regardless of the number of views.

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Last year I had this same problem in recently monetized channels but the problem lasted a maximum of 2 or 3 days and it was only in the most viral videos, this time it is happening in the whole channel for more than 10 days now.

I have recently seen this same problem in other users in newly monetized channels that after 3-4 days of accepting the monetization the monetizable visits and the RPM drop drastically.

Has this same problem happened to you in the last month? YouTube's response is always the same "invalid traffic" but it's all organic and happening to more newly monetized channels on other forums.

My competitor channels always have ads. I've tried turning off ads for the entire channel for 12 hours and turning them back on and the problem persists.

My CPM is stable at $8. The niche is educational videos about science and other interesting facts, so it's not an ad budget issue.


Interesting will be grateful if someone shed more light on the subject since I am also trying with 2 fresh channels YT seems to have gone dumb this year sucking off of creators WTF is wrong with them :mad:
YouTube is just shitting on every small channel recently it's just sad...
I'm going through the exact same problem, could you tell me what did you do next ?


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Did you use a panel to get approved for monetization?