⛔️ [Download] ⛔️ 750+ Websites Accepting Guest Posts/Link Edits ✅ AT LEAST 10k TRAFFIC ✅ DR78 Guest Post With 160K Traffic For Just $50?

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Regular Member
Mar 11, 2021
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I don’t need any dumb superhero sales graphic here.

If you’re serious about building quality links this list is for you.

It’s a list with 750+ websites that accept guest posts and/or link edits (610+ of them accept both), all of them have at least 10k traffic according to Ahrefs.

I’ve tried most link-building services here and was disappointed with almost all of them.

When you buy a DR 50 1000+ RD link edit from the marketplace you’ll end up paying $100+ and most of the time end up with a backlink from a website like this:


Probably the only way this website makes money is by selling backlinks and Google knows this. A backlink from a website like this will do close to nothing for your website.

This is a travel website from my list, they charge $50 for a guest post and $60 for a link edit:


Just think about what a few niche-relevant links from websites like this can do for your website.

Here are a few more websites from my list:

Architecture Website: $55 for a Guest Post, $40 for a Link Edit


Sports Website: $155 for a Guest Post, $125 for a Link Edit


Education Website: $150 for a Guest Post


Family Website: $199 for a Guest Post


Health & Beauty Website: $75 for a Guest Post, $75 for a Link Edit


Tech Website: $75 for a Guest Post, $60 for a Link Edit


The file contains 750+ websites, on average the websites have a DR of 50, 10000+ RD, rank for 54k keywords, and have 102k traffic. A guest post costs $150 on average, and a link edit $115.

On the marketplace, you pay $250+ for a backlink from a site with a DR of 50+ and 8000+ RD, and often times the website will have less than 10K traffic. So stop paying resellers, and buy guest posts & niche edits straight from the website owners for only a fraction of the price you pay on the marketplace.


What does the list look like?

All websites have at least 10k traffic and are in English.

The list is an excel file with the domain name, category, domain age, DR, RD, number of backlinks, number of keywords, and traffic. DR, RD, backlinks, keywords, and traffic are from Ahrefs.

Do all sites allow guest posts and link edits?

No, 144 websites only allow guest posts. However, 616 websites on my list allow both.

Can I guarantee the prices stated in the list?

No, I first reached out to the sites in April & May of 2022. In June & July I reached out to them again and asked them to confirm the prices I was quoted before and if they are willing to give any discounts. Since then prices might have changed.

Although I have asked if this is their last price many sites will lower their prices, even more, when you ask them. So don’t take the prices listed in the spreadsheet for given, they’re only listed there to give you a rough idea of how much a guest post/link edit on this site will cost you.

Have I checked the backlink profile of every website on the list?

No, I only checked the Ahrefs traffic metrics. Before reaching out to site owners you should do your own research to see if your website will really benefit from a backlink from this site. Some of the sites on my list are probably spam sites but since they have 10k traffic on Ahrefs they’re included in the list.

So do your own research before paying for a link, the best way is probably to check the Top Pages report on Ahrefs. If the domain is only ranking for spam keywords a backlink from that domain won’t be worth your money.

Are the Ahrefs metrics up-to-date?

All Ahrefs metrics are from the Ahrefs batch analysis on August 3, 2022.

Price: $197

$197 is crazy cheap! Agencies resell backlinks like this for 2-3x the price listed in the spreadsheet. Even if you only build one backlink from this list you’ll make your money back.

The small print:

The primary contact is BHW.

Email: [email protected]

The excel file will be delivered within 24 hours (usually within a few minutes). For obvious reasons, there are no refunds. If I fail to deliver the file I'll issue a refund.

Marketplace Thread Approved

This service has been tested by the marketplace moderation team to ensure that it meets the standards for the marketplace. The service has been checked to ensure that it can deliver what it advertised in accordance with its TAT or in a timely manner if no TAT was provided.

Service Information
  • The list is delivered in an excel file
  • At the moment of the review, there are 760 websites
  • We can also confirm that the columns are niche, DR, RD, backlinks, Keywords, traffic, email, price, registration date, and domain age
Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
Information For Buyers:
  • Service Quality: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.
  • Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
  • Review Copies: Per the marketplace rules, if a seller does not offer trials or review copies, please do not request them in the sales thread, otherwise your post will be removed and further action may be taken.
Thank you for approving my sales thread!

Request a sample and the discount code by commenting "Samples & Discount" below

On my full list you’ll find all types of sites:
  • Want to get high DR links edits with traffic for cheap? For $50 you can get 5xDR 50+ niche edits
  • Want to get high DR guest posts with traffic for cheap? For $47 you can get 3x DR 70+ guest posts
  • Want to get a high-quality guest post on a popular one-word domain with a DR of 70+ and 2 million traffic? Get it for $199
  • Want to get a high-quality guest post on a 25-year-old, DR 60+ domain with 700k traffic? Get it for $550
What's the best thing? All 750+ websites have 10k+ traffic!
I received my review copy in exchange for my review:

I was given a total 7 links to test it.

Sites were different niches

The highest DR was 75 and lowest was 39

The highest traffic 794896 which is insane I must say for the price given.

Plus there was a $10 link too with decent traffic, overall there’s definitely value in this guide

Contact Information was also provided and this alone saves lots of time searching for the correct mail.
Review Copy:

It looks good from the 7 links I saw

The spreadsheet had all the stats mentioned to easily filter

Multi Niche

Great that they all have 10K+ traffic having had lists in the past this makes it easier to filter
Received my free copy today with 7 links. Double-checked them with Semrush - they are legit and do have real organic traffic coming from Google.

The spreadsheet contains niche, DR, RD, Backlinks, Number of Keywords, Traffic, Email, Price and Domain age columns, so it's easy to filter. IMO, this list worth a shot.
Received review list of 7 links.

The list has the data in this order:
Website, niche, DR, RD, Total backlinks, Total keywords, Traffic, Email (admin who you should contact) price for guest post and link edit, registration date and domain age.

It's seems like a great list if you'd like to do your own link-building instead of buying from resellers, or even to start your own service.

Here's an interesting thing, I have a list from a supplier of backlinks and I compared the prices.
Here's a table showing supplier price, price from the list and the price difference (percentage of price increase):

Supplier priceList pricePrice difference

I found 4 out of 7 links that were in the review copy, 750 is a high number, and as you can see, the seller is right when he says that the list is worth it even from a single link.

Be wary when buying cheap links of the list (or any other lists) - obviously other sellers have them too and they are spammed to death with casino links. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the OP, just a word of caution to do your own due diligence before you get attracted by a low price.

Received 7 sites to check.

The top 2 we have used for clients a couple of years back and are solid sites.
Third on the list is new to me but at $700, there would be zero demand really.
Number 4 on the list is a Nigerian news site, so we'd avoid that one.
Fifth on the list is a site we have not used, but at $400 the price is expensive.
Next on the list is mainly Philipino traffic.
Review of list.png
The cheap and nasty last one is pure garbage with a traffic value of $68 from 12k visitors and ranking for spammy keywords.
Plus the content there looks like it's Ai spun, so this is clearly a link farm / guest post farm site. So even though someone has commented about this exact same site; "Plus there was a $10 link too with decent traffic, overall there’s definitely value in this guide", it's clear that a person's level of experience in assessing these types of sites from lists is equally as important.
Yes as advertised all have, 10k+ traffic but sadly tier 2 and tier 3 traffic isn't that good unless you are targeting, for example, the Nigerian marketplace.

For the price this is decent and I'll buy a copy for reference and add these to our list of sites to not use.
Hi I would like a review copy, ideally for some in the fitness niche I will then give a log review
interested in a review copy if available, will do a detailed review.
I'm giving away 5x free review copies of the full list (750+ websites).

Requirements: Jr VIP and 400 posts

If you don’t meet the requirements or are not chosen for a review copy don’t worry!

The first 10 buyers can get a 70% discount, by commenting „Samples & Discount“ below.

On my full list you’ll find all types of sites:
  • Want to get high DR links edits with traffic for cheap? For $50 you can get 5xDR 50+ niche edits
  • Want to get high DR guest posts with traffic for cheap? For $47 you can get 3x DR 70+ guest posts
  • Want to get a high-quality guest post on a popular one-word domain with a DR of 70+ and 2 million traffic? Get it for $199
  • Want to get a link edit on a domain with less than 200 pages and a clean link profile with 35k traffic? Get it for $95!
Ordered the entire list.

A large portion of the sites are unfortunately guest post farms.

Many of the other sites have also been spammed entirely with gambling links.

That's not to say there isn't value in this sheet, though.

there are definitely a few good links to be found.

It's up to the individual to filter through these, though.

Best of luck with your sales mate!
I'm giving away 5x free review copies of the full list (750+ websites).

Requirements: Jr VIP and 400 posts

If you don’t meet the requirements or are not chosen for a review copy don’t worry!

The first 10 buyers can get a 70% discount, by commenting „Samples & Discount“ below.

On my full list you’ll find all types of sites:
  • Want to get high DR links edits with traffic for cheap? For $50 you can get 5xDR 50+ niche edits
  • Want to get high DR guest posts with traffic for cheap? For $47 you can get 3x DR 70+ guest posts
  • Want to get a high-quality guest post on a popular one-word domain with a DR of 70+ and 2 million traffic? Get it for $199
  • Want to get a link edit on a domain with less than 200 pages and a clean link profile with 35k traffic? Get it for $95!
I m in for a review copy :)
I am interested in Travel Guest post you mention in your post. Can you please DM me the URL of this before ordering?
I don’t need any dumb superhero sales graphic here.

If you’re serious about building quality links this list is for you.

It’s a list with 750+ websites that accept guest posts and/or link edits (610+ of them accept both), all of them have at least 10k traffic according to Ahrefs.

I’ve tried most link-building services here and was disappointed with almost all of them.

When you buy a DR 50 1000+ RD link edit from the marketplace you’ll end up paying $100+ and most of the time end up with a backlink from a website like this:


Probably the only way this website makes money is by selling backlinks and Google knows this. A backlink from a website like this will do close to nothing for your website.

This is a travel website from my list, they charge $50 for a guest post and $60 for a link edit:


Just think about what a few niche-relevant links from websites like this can do for your website.

Here are a few more websites from my list:

Architecture Website: $55 for a Guest Post, $40 for a Link Edit


Sports Website: $155 for a Guest Post, $125 for a Link Edit


Education Website: $150 for a Guest Post


Family Website: $199 for a Guest Post


Health & Beauty Website: $75 for a Guest Post, $75 for a Link Edit


Tech Website: $75 for a Guest Post, $60 for a Link Edit


The file contains 750+ websites, on average the websites have a DR of 50, 10000+ RD, rank for 54k keywords, and have 102k traffic. A guest post costs $150 on average, and a link edit $115.

On the marketplace, you pay $250+ for a backlink from a site with a DR of 50+ and 8000+ RD, and often times the website will have less than 10K traffic. So stop paying resellers, and buy guest posts & niche edits straight from the website owners for only a fraction of the price you pay on the marketplace.



What does the list look like?

All websites have at least 10k traffic and are in English.

The list is an excel file with the domain name, category, domain age, DR, RD, number of backlinks, number of keywords, and traffic. DR, RD, backlinks, keywords, and traffic are from Ahrefs.

Do all sites allow guest posts and link edits?

No, 144 websites only allow guest posts. However, 616 websites on my list allow both.

Can I guarantee the prices stated in the list?

No, I first reached out to the sites in April & May of 2022. In June & July I reached out to them again and asked them to confirm the prices I was quoted before and if they are willing to give any discounts. Since then prices might have changed.

Although I have asked if this is their last price many sites will lower their prices, even more, when you ask them. So don’t take the prices listed in the spreadsheet for given, they’re only listed there to give you a rough idea of how much a guest post/link edit on this site will cost you.

Have I checked the backlink profile of every website on the list?

No, I only checked the Ahrefs traffic metrics. Before reaching out to site owners you should do your own research to see if your website will really benefit from a backlink from this site. Some of the sites on my list are probably spam sites but since they have 10k traffic on Ahrefs they’re included in the list.

So do your own research before paying for a link, the best way is probably to check the Top Pages report on Ahrefs. If the domain is only ranking for spam keywords a backlink from that domain won’t be worth your money.

Are the Ahrefs metrics up-to-date?

All Ahrefs metrics are from the Ahrefs batch analysis on August 3, 2022.

Price: $197

$197 is crazy cheap! Agencies resell backlinks like this for 2-3x the price listed in the spreadsheet. Even if you only build one backlink from this list you’ll make your money back.

The small print:

The primary contact is BHW.

Email: [email protected]

The excel file will be delivered within 24 hours (usually within a few minutes). For obvious reasons, there are no refunds. If I fail to deliver the file I'll issue a refund.

How to place the order?
I am interested in your services. I need specific indian health related backlinks.
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