Donuts Keeps People From Stealing Your Domain Name

The Scarlet Pimp

Supreme Member
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
this registrar lets you add domain-name variations that can't be registered.
for example you can't register "micros0ft" ("zero" rather than an "oh").

if you have a registered brand this might help to protect it somewhat...


Introducing "DPMl Plus"
The Domains Protected Marks List Plus (or DPML Plus) protects trademark holders against cybersquatting at a fraction of the cost of defensively and individually registering the terms across all Donuts domains.

Donuts is now offering DPML Plus to enhance the legacy DPML service. DPML Plus gives brand owners the opportunity to block misspellings of their marks for the first time. Other unique benefits include:

* an initial 10-year block term;

* the ability to block an exact-match mark plus three additional strings that contain the mark or are common misspellings of the mark;

* more than three contains or misspell strings can be added for an additional fee;

* blocks all premium second-level domains;

* blocks are not subject to overrides by other parties with the same trademark; and the ability to submit unlimited overrides of blocked terms (for no wholesale override fee) if the mark holder elects to register and use previously blocked terms.

Eligible DPML Plus Applicants

DPML Plus Applications only may be submitted through a registrar authorized by Donuts to sell DPML Blocks (“DPML Registrar”). Prior to submitting a DPML Plus Application, DPML Plus Applicants first must provide information to the TMCH to obtain an SMD File (as detailed in the TMCH Guidelines). Once the TMCH has validated a mark, it will issue the mark holder an SMD File. Each DPML Plus Application must (i) include one or more SMD Files corresponding to the applied-for label(s) and (ii) meet the qualifications specified by ICANN and detailed in the TMCH Guidelines, as they may change from time to time.

Current DPML block-holders can convert their legacy DPML service into DPML Plus to receive the enancements provided under DPML Plus (as described above), including extension of their block for 10 years. As a courtesy, Donuts is offering a discount to DPML customers who upgrade to DPML Plus.