Don't want to be a noob anymore

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Oct 24, 2016
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I'm here because I want to be better at IM but I am a terrible noob at it. I was a lurker forever, now I'm here and hope to grow with the rest of you. Thanks for reading this post. :)
Welcome to the forum. You will find there are some rules and requirements to being a full participating member here. I have been here for over a year. I have attempted to participate, however I find that the barrier to entry is quite difficult. It takes time, money, and a lot of posts (if they are approved).

I have a poll going at a recent post that I made. I can not link it, because I am not a full-member yet and without meeting some of the aforementioned requirements, one can not post links here. But go to my profile if you are interested, it is listed there. Good luck
Welcome to the forum. You will find there are some rules and requirements to being a full participating member here. I have been here for over a year. I have attempted to participate, however I find that the barrier to entry is quite difficult. It takes time, money, and a lot of posts (if they are approved).

I have a poll going at a recent post that I made. I can not link it, because I am not a full-member yet and without meeting some of the aforementioned requirements, one can not post links here. But go to my profile if you are interested, it is listed there. Good luck

Please don't spam these kind of complaints in other people's introduction threads. This isn't about you. Keep that to your own thread.
Please don't spam these kind of complaints in other people's introduction threads. This isn't about you. Keep that to your own thread.

My post was about the requirements of participation as I have noticed them to be. Correct me if I am wrong about those requirements.
you can be expert in something, just keep reading, learning and practicing.
My post was about the requirements of participation as I have noticed them to be. Correct me if I am wrong about those requirements.

You are wrong about those requirements.

With what you currently have available, you should be able to access all parts of the forum outside Jr. VIP, and should be able to participate in discussions. You may not create sales threads, though. And you may not link until you have 15 posts in sections where your post count is counted (so outside places like Member Downloads and The Lounge, for example). Same for PM'ing users. That is to keep us from being spammed, which generally happens anyways.

Once you have 100 posts that are counted (quality is not considered in post count, even though it is mentioned), AND six months on the forum, which you have, AND you've paid the $97 fee, you will get the pretty blue name and access to the Jr. VIP section of the boards. If you want to sell at this point, you spend another $30 or so on a sales thread, submit it for consideration, and wait.

I'm not sure why your response on a sales thread did not go through. You probably wrote some kind of trigger word. This kind of stuff happens. I'm not a moderator so I won't have the answer for you, neither will almost everyone you've conversed with about it. If you are that bent out of shape over one post not going through, contact a moderator or BHW support about it. But I guarantee they won't do shit about it, and I don't blame them. They have far more important things to do.

Just keep posting, and try to post things of value instead of pseudo-intellectual posts about not understanding how to do something as basic as be a member on a message board.
You are wrong about those requirements.

My thread does reference all of that, which is why I referred to it. I asked a noob question, and the moderator gave me an expert answer. I am hoping for more noobs to give feedback on my poll however, because I want to assess other people's experiences. My experience so far appears to be unique, and so far I am the only person that has marked "Yes" on my poll as to if this forum is difficult to use.
I am not posting as one with ultimate knowledge, but the thread that I started does address the requirements that I noob needs to know about in order to fully participate here.

Thanks for the advice. I think your advice will be helpful to others. And if anyone is experiencing difficulties here, they might find an answer or ideas at the thread that I started.
Welcome to the Family .
Explore the forum & Enjoy your stay .
Hopefully you will learn great things from here :)
@WanderingSoul welcome to BHW. Hi from another noob here :-) As other said start exploring the forum and learn what you need to know. All the best.
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