Does this content suits to be published in money site?


Feb 17, 2013
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Guys I got some articles from a provider here but I'm not native English speaker to notice small errors in the content, so do you think that this piece of content is a good quality to be published in my money site? and how much should I pay for 500 word article like this?

Agreed, I'm not a native English speaker and even I find it to be quite poor.
Use better articles if this is for your money site, mate.
I agree that it doesn't read that good. There are a few errors and even some words missing it seems. Also, if you do decide to go with articles like this, I advise you to get someone of native English to proof-read it for you.
This is not perfect article but good enough to be put on site. Anyways i would pay more than 5$ per article like this
It's hard to imagine someone said this was acceptable to use on a money site. Presumably it's real people who will be viewing your money site, and taking actions to make you money. So, since this reads like terrible garbage all your visitors will leave within a paragraph never to return. That said, it seems likely good enough to put on a web 2.0 tier 1 or tier 2 property.