Does reddit porn traffic convert well?


Power Member
May 4, 2008
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Has anyone tried posting watermark images on porn related subreddits? does the traffic give you good converts assuming that you use a cpa offer that is free to join?
There were some threads about it.
Mainly, they use high quality gifs.
One of my Friend Tested Reddit for Adult CPA but the Conversion Rate is almost 00.
It does convert but largely depends on the offer. If you just put a generic dating smart link in front of them your average Reddit user is never going to sign up. Get niche and test a bunch.
Like all of Reddit - needs some creativity
Like all of Reddit - needs some creativity

This sums it up.

The traffic is very different to SEO or Facebook groups. The majority of the user base is a fairly tech-savvy bunch and they're already on a NSFW sub with free shit. They're not paying for anything unless you give them a reason to.
This sums it up.

The traffic is very different to SEO or Facebook groups. The majority of the user base is a fairly tech-savvy bunch and they're already on a NSFW sub with free shit. They're not paying for anything unless you give them a reason to.
That's why Reddit is such a good traffic source.. you have to work for it, which kills 90% of the lacklustre efforts and leaves really big traffic for anyone that puts 10 minutes of thought into it.
I know you've probably slammed Reddit before Madhatter, and it's never come from a copy-paste and hope.
That's why Reddit is such a good traffic source.. you have to work for it, which kills 90% of the lacklustre efforts and leaves really big traffic for anyone that puts 10 minutes of thought into it.
I know you've probably slammed Reddit before Madhatter, and it's never come from a copy-paste and hope.

If you do your due diligence and watch what other people are doing this can work as well. If your competitors are consistently doing something they're probably doing it for a reason.
That's why Reddit is such a good traffic source.. you have to work for it, which kills 90% of the lacklustre efforts and leaves really big traffic for anyone that puts 10 minutes of thought into it.
I know you've probably slammed Reddit before Madhatter, and it's never come from a copy-paste and hope.
If you do your due diligence and watch what other people are doing this can work as well. If your competitors are consistently doing something they're probably doing it for a reason.

What do you think about weight loss niche on reddit?
How would you approach users?
Can't speak to porn, but Reddit CAN convert well if you can make a good connection with its users and not make it obvious that you're selling. That is a hard trick and you'll essentially need to put a LOT of time and thought into the posts and your quality of content. Creativity is key. With porn... who knows, won't know until you try.

As others have said... Reddit is good because noobs can't seem to figure it out which means the more experienced marketers have less competition and clutter to promote their stuff. The easier it is, the lower quality the traffic becomes as every noob thinks they can just spam their garbage and make money.
As others have said... Reddit is good because noobs can't seem to figure it out which means the more experienced marketers have less competition and clutter to promote their stuff. The easier it is, the lower quality the traffic becomes as every noob thinks they can just spam their garbage and make money.
kinda like native ads lol
It does convert but largely depends on the offer. If you just put a generic dating smart link in front of them your average Reddit user is never going to sign up. Get niche and test a bunch.

Have you tested revshare or paid offers? since finding niche offers are mostly paid and no free signups so I was wondering if reddit traffic have paying users?
Is there an example of good adult post in reddit?
i have got 20 + NSFW subs each around 10000 + subs in many niches

But searching a way to monetize those
Not really.. Reddit surfers are some of the most savvy as far as traffic goes. CPA is not going to work on them.

Also, this "method" was big years ago, so every mod deletes posts with watermarks. Most even say it right in the sidebar. They know all about wordpress adult embed sites.

So no, don't waste your time on this unless you have a VERY unique twist.
I see. Okay, noted with thanks Pesa Man.