Do you think ghosted CL posts could hold linkjuice?


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
Had an odd idea today, do you think that you could pump linkjuice to ghosted Craigslist posts? They don't have links to them in CL, but you can still navigate to the URL. Anybody tried this???
If they get ghosted what's the point? Maybe I'm missing something here.
Can you be clear what you are coming to say. I am not getting you clear.
Even though CL ghosts the link, it still exists. Which means you could built tiered links to it. And theoretically even get it indexed by Google. You could also crease a TON of these ghosted links quickly. I'm thinking it could be a good churn/burn link type. Create a hundred posts in CL that get ghosted, blast to them and collect the linkjuice.
Yeah that's right, but I'm thinking that due to the low amount of "spam" links coming from CL relative to the site's value that the links could STILL have a lot of value. May test this soon.