Do you play gta4?


Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Alright, im off to muck around on gta4, if any of yall want to meet me there my name is 'MrStinker' im always a female.
gta 4.... online or what??

and you mean grand theft auto right
you ewhore even on GTA lol :P

I love GTA too unfortunately i dont have a PS3...too expensive for mii right now! :(
I love gta4,

but with all this work right now,

don't get a chance to play.

who said it's a recession right now.

I'm swamped.

Best Regards,
Your BHW Friend


ps. now i'm gonna take a break from work and play
Wakka your from New Zealand right so wouldn't you have bad lag?
sometimes, especially cos im way away from the router, but actually i get dc'd instead of lag. Usually its vehicles that do funny things. I can still pwn heaps of ppl tho, </3 when i get pwnt tho. My favourite trick is making people fly away with the helicopter blade attack. splat.

There aint many leads on gta, ive got a few, never e-whored them... but when ps3 home comes out i might. Should be easier that way.
sometimes, especially cos im way away from the router, but actually i get dc'd instead of lag. Usually its vehicles that do funny things. I can still pwn heaps of ppl tho, </3 when i get pwnt tho. My favourite trick is making people fly away with the helicopter blade attack. splat.

There aint many leads on gta, ive got a few, never e-whored them... but when ps3 home comes out i might. Should be easier that way.

I cant wait for HOME to come out....any info on when?