Do you guys disable comments on your autoblogs?


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I have a couple of autoblogs set up, mostly with wp-o-matic and syndic8 kahuna.

Like most of the other people I get Spam Karma emails several times a day asking me to moderate comments. I just ignore them now and delete the emails.

Would I be better off just turning off the comments? I would think it might be possible to fill a MySQL database with comments waiting to be moderated. I wouldn't want to waste the space that could be used for more autoposts.
It tottaly depends on the blogs, niche and traffic. I normally put mine on moderated with spam plugin. It is quite easy to weed through them, and at the end of the day it is potential content for your site. If you are worried about space... then maybe time to look at more hosting!
enable them (comments) not only as discussed by Matt Cutts et al. comments are somewhat good for your blog (traffic, update and added content).
Plus this way you'll know if the blog owner tracked your site down and not happy about it, you can pull it off or do something about the posts he owns.
Yup I enable comments for all my autoblogs. And so far no major problems.

In order to blog spam comments just use the akismet (hope that's how you spell it) plugin. It block comment automatically.
i'm enable blog comment. just hope to spam karma to avoid spamming.
I think better to enable to comments, even if its autoblog...
I will bring more readers.