Do You Allocate all credits all at once? [ Vagex ]


Registered Member
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
So I have about 5k credits, and was thinking if I should allocate all credits
all at once to 1 video?

Or I said maybe I should allocate 1k credits each day to that video?
The reason for this is that there are only 1k members on the site and like
less would be using the viewer and so the rest 4k credits would go to waste mainly because:

Vagex does not stop the viewer for the next 24hours after that person has finished watching all videos meaning
the person watching the videos that have been already watched still gets credits but the person's video gets no view.

Also, If you re-open Vagex, the videos are re-watched and the viewer still gets credits but no views for the video..

Ideas? Thanks.
ah - pretty sure you can only watch each vid entry once per day, after that if your viewer re-watches a vid, it receives an error message 'already watched video today' or some such. unsure if that's once per viewer (vagexviewer,firevag) or overall though
Then why is it that my 5k credits finish within 12 hours if your statement is true?
I mean if your statement is true then i should have 4k credits without 24hours?
Don't allocate all your credits at once if you do that you'll end up wasting a lot of them while your views are stuck in the 300 range...

Nobody wants that :)
And who mentioned that my video's views are bellow 300???
Infact, the views adds up after 24hours so I don't think it's a waste.