Do ya'll text message and drive?

The problem is that you can get other people killed. If you would just get yourself killed, then you can text and drive, no problem...
red rep me i don't care, but i hope you get hurt and/or get caught doing text and driving. And make sure you don't drag the innocent with you.

I think this thread is retarded, which belongs to DP, not here.

Its not a big deal? Give me a fucking asian break. Its people like you that innocent people die out of no where because dumb fucks who text/talk on the phone while driving (even on an automatic) think driving and texting is not a big deal.
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I don't know who wrote that petition, but I did not find it to be very convincing for the cause. Whoever wrote it should do a better job of presenting their case, especially from a legal stand point.

LOL- at someone shouting "Help me." [insert sarcasm] I hear that every day and yes it's very distracting. :D Or maybe it's the voices in my head.:eek:
i do it. yes it is wrong. outlawing it is a bad idea. then you will have people texting and looking out for the police. people still drive and talk on the cell.
Posted via Mobile Device
Why not? If you can't use common sense to figure this out...

MOST LIKLEY.. mabye...
Does not matter who you are if you argue with " texting while driving" and support it and do it yourself.. your an asshat..

I can drink 4 beer and not be "drunk" but I don't drive because it's not worth it.. Driving is a privilege abusers bring it down for the rest of us
talking on a cellphone requires more attention compared to texting out a message that can be easily said in 10 seconds on a telephone

What the hell are you talking about?

You're the one that said it wasn't really a valid argument to say that accidents happen because of texting (you said it could be another persons fault)

I'm saying that you're wrong, it IS valid because texting is probably the cause in 90% of those accidents. Talking on the phone while driving is bad. Texting while driving is fucking stupid.
Sending a text message, or even talking on the phone while driving is not necessary in my opinion. If someone calls you, or sends you a message, I dont see why you can't check it when you arrive at your destination. Yes it may only take a second to look down at your phone, but when you are on a highway/freeway, it takes a fraction of a second for something to go wrong at speeds of 100 km/h(I have no idea what that is in miles). Even though some have pointed out that the accident may not be the fault of the person distracted by a phone conversation or texting, it is our responsibility to be defensive drivers and AVOID accidents.

Lets say you're on a two lane highway, you're on a straight stretch, you look down for two seconds to read your text message and BAM! Some asshole crosses the center line and you have yourself a head on collision. Had you been looking up, you could have avoided it by steering away. Now this scenario can happen in city streets and anywhere else for that matter, at slower speeds it may not happen that fast, and the damaged not as great, but it can still happen. Just my opinion on why I believe it's dangerous, and disrespectful of other drivers SHARING the road with you.
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Sending a text message, or even talking on the phone while driving is not necessary in my opinion. If someone calls you, or sends you a message, I dont see why you can't check it when you arrive at your destination. Yes it may only take a second to look down at your phone, but when you are on a highway/freeway, it takes a fraction of a second for something to go wrong at speeds of 100 km/h(I have no idea what that is in miles). Even though some have pointed out that the accident may not be the fault of the person distracted by a phone conversation or texting, it is our responsibility to be defensive drivers and AVOID accidents.

Lets say you're on a two lane highway, you're on a straight stretch, you look down for two seconds to read your text message and BAM! Some asshole crosses the center line and you have yourself a head on collision. Had you been looking up, you could have avoided it by steering away. Now this scenario can happen in city streets and anywhere else for that matter, at slower speeds it may not happen that fast, and the damaged not as great, but it can still happen. Just my opinion on why I believe it's dangerous, and disrespectful of other drivers SHARING the road with you.

man you really need to adjust to the rest of the world and start using miles.

Thankfully no. What text is so important that you need to risk your life for it?
Possibly fahrenheit and inches as well I suppose hahaha. Although every contractor here still uses inches, even though the metric system is taught in our schools. Change is a long road I suppose, though for some countries, change is not an option! hahaha

man you really need to adjust to the rest of the world and start using miles.

Sorry, im getting confused as hell trying to red 50 different posts and wondering what to reply to.. lol

As for the one who said use miles... ( being from canada.. we use this system because it works, sort of like out banks, healthcare system) :D
Im waiting for something in the usa to work.. like ANYTHING
show some hope america! lol

alright yeah, the miles thing was sarcasm because we're pretty much the only country still on it (among other bogus shit as you said like healthcare) but that's off topic i suppose.
it's the booze that causes the accident. booze physically affects your brain.

the only studies I've seen about cellphones is that the radiation may give you Cancer. There is no study that the radiation from a cellphone causes your brain to crash a car.

^^ that's like saying drunk driving should be legalized because it's the person that cause accident, not the booze ;p

if 90% of accidents is caused by looking at nude women, maybe nude women should be banned from interceptions. (i think they are banned)
I don't like to text while distracts me from my masturbating.
I don't text at all, It's a phone not a typewriter. When people text me I reply with a call
yet my daughter can text with one hand and the phone in her pocket.
Texting while driving is just plain stupid, Why not use your laptop while you're at it, at
least you can be making enough money to pay for your funeral.
And while I'm on the subject, predictive texting? what's that all about, It just comes
out Latin.
I can't stand people who use the cell phone when driving......I don't think my state will ban it yet as they just made not wearing a seat belt a if you like to text while driving move to florida they are about 10 years behind the rest of the country