Do the gurus actually have any valuable information on business?


Aug 23, 2020
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I had to turn off my ad blocker earlier this morning while I was watching a video from a youtuber I like. All the sudden I kept getting flood with the stupid dropshipping ads where they do 1 of the following:

1. they show off something expensive and say you can get it if you get into dropshipping and doing marketing

2. They show off something expensive and then say that it doesnt matter then start talking about dropshipping and marketing

every single one of these annoying a holes always mention the same thing. "quitting 9-5 job" and they lie about their courses being free

I just would like to know if they actually have any information that is valuable. Because to me I feel like if they have this great way to make money why would they go around sharing it with everyone? It just doesn't make sense. It would saturate their market so fast and they would have so much competition. If any of these self proclaimed millionaires actually have a way to dropship and turn serious profits they would not share unless they have been smoking some crazy drugs.

At this point I think that this niche of people don't have any business experience whatsoever and they just make money selling stupid courses. Sometimes the courses are actually free, but then at the end when its time for you to make your "own" website they end up billing you like $600 usd and make a shopify site for you or outsource to a country like India. Fucking absurd and im sick of seeing this people all over YouTube. Its only been like 2 hours and I've had at least 15 ads for this. I make sure to click on all of them though then exit so they get charged on google ads.

What r ur thoughts? Do you think these people actually know what their doing or are just trying to make a few bucks? o_O
They're called gurus for a reason.
Stay away.
Don't fall for their "Dan Lok-ery". All of their fancy cars and watches are rented.
Well sure, lesson:

- Take common-sense bullshit and rehash it in video
- Fake screenshots of income, depending on how broke the guru is they may then rent a house, Lambo, etc... and just film multiple videos with different outfits in a day...

Throw out the net and wait for suckers and real them in ...

Oh and version 2.0...

- Show real screenshots of income from previous suckers of your courses.

Think about it, if they told you anything besides
- Here is how FB, Google ads work...

Lol. I mean The shit they teach you is never ever worth whatever they charge as it is always freely available. If not, they would risk saturation but of course, you cannot saturate FB/Google itself as you need a solid product to kill it contrary to the: everything sells...
In short no.

I make good money and you really think I'm going to ever tell you how i did it? I have worked my ass off to make things work and took all the risk. There is a reason why KFC does not tell you the 11 herbs and spices or why the coke recipe is secret.

Yet all these so-called gurus are happy to share their knowledge to help you run a 6-7 figure business in less then 30 days! No they prey on idiots who should never be trying to anything like this in the first place.

This why BHW exists, so genuine members can help other members out for free. You will never find more honest, trustable advice then on BHW.
In short no.

I make good money and you really think I'm going to ever tell you how i did it? I have worked my ass off to make things work and took all the risk. There is a reason why KFC does not tell you the 11 herbs and spices or why the coke recipe is secret.

Yet all these so-called gurus are happy to share their knowledge to help you run a 6-7 figure business in less then 30 days! No they prey on idiots who should never be trying to anything like this in the first place.

This why BHW exists, so genuine members can help other members out for free. You will never find more honest, trustable advice then on BHW.


No one is going to talk about a working method of 6-7 figures unless its going to die in hours.

All those courses are just a bunch of obvious information/information you can find on google for free put together and packed nicely.
Check @ballerbusters on Instagram and Coffeezilla on youtube and you will have your answer.
Stay away from gurus the same way you want to stay away from the flu
When you have youtube,Google and Forums so you never need to believe in any Gurus unless you are in short of time and you want to learn things fast.
It's not as simple as all the answers here are making out.

Everyone selling a course is not a scammer.

And many niches would not be saturated by you teaching. I could teach 10,000 people SEO, but the chances of anyone directly competing with me is pretty slim. The Internet is *huge*.

Someone could make $1mil/year with email marketing, and then make another $1mil/year selling an email marketing course teaching people how to profit with email. This will not affect their business.

Having some method, in some unique niche then sharing it is different. No one is really selling that.

Many of the courses range from ok to very good. Most don't promise you riches in 30 days. The ones that DO promise you that are the scammers. The ones selling SEO courses, email marketing courses, ad building etc are people who usually are trying to make more money out their skills, and you can make a LOT of money selling courses. Easily 7 figures.

It's fairly easy to spot. If they're targeting regular people at home, with no skills or experience then they are more than likely peddling complete garbage.

The guys selling valuable information are NOT targeting beginners. If I was going to sell an SEO course I would make it a $3k course and target intermediate to expert level SEO's who are already making money and having success, but who want to take their SEO to the next level, because I know these people will be able to digest the information and get value.

Beginners on the other hand don't generally have the right mindset or skillbase, so it doesn't matter what you teach them, they can't make it work. People who profit off "the dream" are the ones running a scam.

There's a lot of legitimate money in targeting intermediate to advanced people with advanced information packaged up well.

A guy making $10k/mo with email marketing might pay $2k for an email marketing course and he learns just 1 thing in it that increases his income by $1k/mo, or $12k/year.

So, don't dismiss all courses. Look at WHO they are targeting. If they are targeting beginners and talking about showing you "how to make money", then AVOID. If they are teaching you a REAL SKILL like email marketing, facebook ads, youtube ads, funnels, copywriting etc, then it's very likely going to be of at least some value.