Do "Tags" Work?


Junior Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
It's a pain in the ass to enter tags and stuff. Do they work or is it sooo 2007?
What do you mean by do they work? In regards to what? They definitely help internal searches....
It's a pain in the ass to enter tags and stuff. Do they work or is it sooo 2007?

Yes they work.

90% of my traffic comes from tags, but of course you should install the plugin (if using wordpress) SearchTerms Tagging 2:

Tags sure work! I must have a look at that searchterms-tagging-2 plugin ...
Yes tags works,but you need to choose the right keywords,dont just create tags of keyword that has no searches.
Thanks all! I've been offline for a while but thanks! I had using them but I guess I must!
Answer from Matt Cutts:

Question: In a blog, is it worth spending time creating tags and categories for SEO purposes?

Matt Cutts: in a few words says that tags are not so important as a good group of categories, just organize your blog and give option to your readers to subscribe to some categories.
Don't waste time creating a lot of tags.
